Day 12 I think it’s White Powdery Mildew?

This is my first grow and I noticed white stuff on the leaves after some research I figured it’s could possibly be white powdery mildew I just ordered some Lost Coast Plant Therapy to hopefully combat whatever it is but you guys are the experts so what do you think the cause might be??? I just wanna grow sum fresh bud not sum contaminated bs I’m using 50/50 Coco Perlite mix I greatly appreciate any feedback I can get.


Hydrogen peroxide is very effective and a whole lot less expensive.

Are you using a humidifier with tap water? It could be minerals that were aerosolized by the humidifier.


I agree because the white in the veins. WPM is usually more round spots, that can be rubbed off, and often between veins. Yours looks like something on the viens


How should I use the Hydrogen Peroxide?? and honestly I have just been using a spray bottle with PH balanced water I currently do not have a humidifier

What do you think it could be ??

I dont know, never ran into that. I had wpm on vegetables so I know that one.

looks more like water deposits. Use demineralized / RO / distilled water.


ahh maybe that’s why I’m not familiar with it. My leaves don’t see a drop of water after I take the domes off. Dry their entire life… after about a week

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I spritz my babies as well, and just looks like the water evaporated on the leaves leaving water spots or cal deposits. Don’t worry I freaked out too on my first grow.


You give me hope homie assuming it is just water how should I clean it ? And is there anyway I can prevent it ??

anybody have a waterboy meme High Quality H2O… now would be a good time.
You don’t have to spray mist it now. Just let it grow a bit and see if the new growth continues to do that, or clear up.


Yes, just spritz it on your next water cycle. Get the leaves good and wet, then with a rubber glove on gently rub your finger over the top of the leaf to clean. Also after I spritz I jiggle the plant a little to make sure the water droplets run off. Big droplets could in theory cause magnification issue from grow lights, thus burning your plant. Although I have not encountered this.

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Spray with demineralized / RO / distilled water.

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Looks to me the leaves could have gotten wet. Looks like my leaves after they’ve had a soap/water spray and dried

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I appreciate all of yall for the info

