Looks almost like shes been overwatered, but, cut the affected leaves and watch the new growth.
Humidity is up, I think a probe is by the soil to be honest, but lights out right now so can’t check it out. It rose when I watered.
Averaging around 70-79 degrees and try to keep it at 65% humidity
Also, DLI is at about 45 - light isn’t super close
@DarthVaper I concur with @ChittyChittyBangin. Too much water.
Clip those leaves. If you haven’t in the last 2 weeks add 1/2 c Bud and bloom and 1/4 c worm castings. Scratch it in with a fork. Let her dry out until the bag is scarry lightweight. She will be wilted and look like she is dieing. Ph the water to 6.5 and slooooow pour a gallon 1/2 -1 c at a time over 30 minutes . The dirt will be hydrophobic. No need to check runoff if doing organic. She will bounce back almost overnight better than ever.
Your temp and humidity look good. It also looks like your temp/humidity prob is in the dire. Hang it directly in the top 1/3 of the plant. That would give you a more accurate reading.
As for light, how bright is it? I’ve had mine dialed too high and to low and had some unwanted-looking results. I dialed it in and she took off. If you can, get it to 550-600 PPFD at 6 weeks at 18/6.
@ChunkyMonkey I’ll check out the PPFD tonight. I turned it all the way up & then raised it to dial in the DLI. (its a HLG Patriot).
Odd thing is though, when I watered last night, the soil was dry, and it was extremely droopy to begin with.
I’ll have to order bud & bloom and worm castings. Using FFOH/HF mix and the trio for nutes when I get there.
I have 2 probes, I hang one 1/3 top and the other 1/3 bottom and let it average out.
I definitely get the pour in quick and within 5 minutes So I’ll make sure to slow 'er down
@DarthVaper I thought you were doing organic.
With the FF Trio you need those 20% runoff numbers. Wouldn’t hurt to do a PH soil slurry test. If the soil PH is to high. Flush. And by that I mean flush the hell out of it. One 5 gal pot took 24 gallons to get the PPM down to 600. Lots of salts in the trio. Then add a 1/2 dose of nutes at the end and let her dry out again. Then water, 1/2 nutes, water, 1/2 nutes, Flush when the schedule tells you to.
The best way to tell if the soil is dry enough to water is by weight of the bag. Pick it up tonight and then check it in 5 days, then wait another 2 days. You’ll see the difference.
I FRIED my first 3 plants with the Trio. I just couldn’t get my head wrapped around it. I was chasing PH problems the whole grow but they ended up being some great smoke after a long cure. 4+ months.
Correct me if im wrong but with trio are you supposed to follow a flushing schedule?
Religiously! So @DarthVaper To simplify, I would let her dry out first. Then PH only water to 20% runoff and check the PPM and go from there.
Sorry. Not sure.
@ChunkyMonkey sprouted 2/10. I’ve only watered her (with cal-mag since I use RO water). Last time I watered her was 3-20.
Going in: 7.3 pH
Coming out: 1249 ppm & 6.2 pH
Should I just flush her? She’s getting crispy on more leaves now too.
CC: @ChittyChittyBangin
@DarthVaper You are going to want to get your PH down to 6.5
your PPM is good no need for food yet.
@ChunkyMonkey My pH from Run Off is 6.2 though, so it should be good ya?
@DarthVaper My understanding is going in water should be 6.5.
@ChunkyMonkey Will do (got lazy and didnt feel like finding my pH down on the last watering)…
Okay, so tonight for a flush. How do I know how many gallons to flush with? I typically water 1 gal (3 gal pot) when in veg and then 1.5 gal in flower.
Also, should I still add in bud & bloom && worm castings before I flush, or wait until after?
Trying to remember but figure 3-4x water for pot size. So 9-12 gallons. Depends on the runoff. I started grow with the FF Trio and switched to the COM nutes.
Since you are still in veg, This is the question @ChittyChittyBangin might help with.
Buds & Bloom is for flower. I believe, after the flush add 1/2c Stonington blend fertilizer and 1/2 c Worm castings. Scratch that in a couple inches deep then water 1/2 Gal 6.5 PH. Wait 2 weeks (takes time to breakdown) and depending on when you flip to 12/12 add 1/4c Stonington blend or 1/2c B&B 2 weeks before flip. Then 1/4c Fert 1/4 c castings. every 2 weeks. Then you flip you can up the ph to 6.7-7
I hope that makes sense. Maybe I should lay off the gravity bong.
Im getting confused… @DarthVaper
Youre ONLY feeding with the trio correct?
No other ferts or amendments?
Youre growing in FF correct?
So many folks, so much to try to remember
Yes. Thus far I haven’t fed only watered. I just flushed with 6 gallons and sledgehammer mixed in, added in 1/2 cup of worm casings and mixed it in to the top soil afterwards.
Then trimmed the affected leaves. I didn’t take pH out or ppm since I flushed with so much water
@ChunkyMonkey @ChittyChittyBangin
Update: New growth is looking good, existing growth has a little bit of brown on tips / sides of the leaves but overall no crispiness!!! So the flush I think helped a lot. Next watering I’ll half feed her.