Dark Devil Droplets?




it is a little jumbled up because i took out the tags so i don’t jump a bunch of people here who have already seen this.

I read thru the whole thing and think it would be good background reading for anyone who is interested in pot. I think this is very early in the phototron’s life cycle as when i had mine you didn’t send in stuff to him. that part was gone. but it is the same unit. But the manual that explained all about how pot grows was exceptional. I know that the people around here now do not believe what he wrote, but it is true. I had to keep temp of moss and of air in tron around 90 degrees f and that would keep it from turning male. he said that all plants are female and you can stop them from turning male by keeping the temp up. you started trimming when the third set of leaves showed and you took off one of the leaves to start the branch growing from the side that you didn’t take. you kept doing that the whole time and took the other leaf off from where the branch grew when the branch got to be an inch or two. I had skunk #1 and Hawaiian that i had sent to Amsterdam to get mailed into the states. When i harvested the skunk 3 months later i got two and three quarters of an ounce dried from a plant that was about about `15 inches tall. there was an eighth of an inch between nodes. and it took me less than five minutes a day to trim it. The Hawaiian took up the whole rest of the tron by the time i finished.i got 3 ounces dry but it should have gone flowering for a while yet because they were small buds and they were not ready but we were leaving on a trip to Texas and they had to be harvested. It took 4 hours every day to trim the damn Hawaiian. there was less than a half an inch between nodes on that damn plant.
Anyone who grows a sativa in a tron is a sadist or masochist or one of those things lol. I have traveled a lot for work and have smoked for 50 years. i am an old boy scout. i swear i am not exaggerating. i have never smoked or seen pot that compares to that skunk. I said earlier that there were so much trichomes on the skunk that they were balling up in pea sized balls. I backed away from that because i read up about trichomes (didn’t know to check them for harvest back then just harvested because i had to) and didn’t see how it could be that they would do what i saw, but when i see trichomes balling up in pea sized balls again then i will know that i have pot as good as i grew in the phototron. That is part of my goal in starting again and finding i can’t do phototron, trying to duplicate it or get close to it again. this guy is not bs’ing. what he did is real.
please read the article at line 63, “the amazing phototron” another ps… as i remember… the guy who designed the phototron did his doctoral thesis on marijuana. it doesn’t say that in the article, but the article is an anecdotal example of growing using the phototron, not about the guy who designed it per se.