Correcting 7.8 Run off

First time I have done a run off test. Should I water with 6.0 or lower? And after the run off test, the soil is soaked. Do I do the correction now and soak her further? or wait a day or two to correct?

If you soaked within gh 24 hours you should be ok

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Not sure whats going on, have been flushing my plant’s run off. It started at 7.8 calibrated ph meter every gallon and is now 9.1 after flushing 7 gallons of 6.0 and lower PH water. Why is it going up and not down? Am I supposed to be using very low PH water to bring it down or just use 6.0 or something. Going to try a lower PH water like 5.5 see if that helps. I just don’t know what im doing here @blackthumbbetty @kellydans

Okay I would start by verifying my pH meter in a clean new 7 solution. With a 7.8 pH runoff I would water in at 5.8 and it may take more than one time to get it where you want it. Just use pH water with no other additives.

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Thanks I literally was lost on this , dont understand why after 8 gallons it hasnt changed. Ill keep at it, let it rest a couple days

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Yes it might take a couple waterings to get where you need to be you’re just basically splitting the difference to get there. What kind of pH meter do you have. @SeaSeaside_guy1

It’s called HM digital, has served me right in the past. I use a 4.0 solution to calibrate, just because that what came with the box.

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You really need to do a two point calibration. It’s not going to be as accurate with a one point calibration you’re basically calibrating on the low end of the range. PH ranges from 0 to 14. solution 7 being in a midpoint is a good reference solution. Hope that helps

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Thanks, buying 7.0 calibration solution now.

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Right now, you’re releasing everything from the medium. Flush til it’s where you want it. You will need probably a minimum of 3x the water as your pot’s size, ie 5 gal pot gets 15+ gals of water


Do this ALL AT THE SAME SESSION. It might take over an hour.


Ok will continue

Are you in soil? If so do you have stone, rock or cement chunks in the bottom of your pot? When I first set mine up I used cinder block chunks for drainage in the bottom of my pots and was having runoff of 8-9 ph because of all the calcium carbonate in the cement or something like that.

No rocks of any kind, and yep in soil.

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Weird, I will be watching, as I want to know others opinion on this as well.

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Do you have a dog? And if so, does the dog like to pee on trees?

No animals lol.

What kind of soil?

About half Fox Farm and rest worm castings

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Nice, but that kills my other idea.

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