Considering Switch to Coco Coir - What about RDWC?

Glad you dropped by @TDubWilly (thanks to @dbrn32 for tagging).

I have a plan unless you have a better suggestion.

Put current clones in coco (just purchased enough for this) using existing 10 gal nursery pots. Get DWC pots for two seeds that just popped (don’t know how to deal with them yet) and run this grow with sort of a hybrid solution.

If I like the DWC, then build an RDWC system for the main room and use DWC in the veg tent. May just bite the bullet and upgrade the DWC to RDWC as well.

Does this sound reasonable or should I attempt to wash the roots and put the clones in DWC or RDWC at this time.

I can go either route but don’t want to waste any more $$$ going in circles or the wrong direction entirely.

Thoughts anyone?


One other thing, I have no idea how to deal with the seeds and how to get them into hydro…

They cracked this morning and will need to go into something today. I have root riot cubes and I have soil in solo cups that is ready to go.

I can do a search to find out how to proceed but you folks already have the answer, I am sure.
@TDubWilly @WickedAle @Covertgrower @Myfriendis410 @MattyBear


Sounds like a good plan. How big is your main room? There were some 7.5gal tubs at Walmart that would be perfect to set up in a smaller space. They are out of stock online, but you may get lucky and have them at your local Wally World. The root riot’s are what you would start your seeds in.

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My main room (finish veg and flowering) is 8’ X 8’ X 9’T and my tent is 4’ X 8’ X 96".

We don’t have Wally World here, I don’t even know what that is…LOL
The nearest full sized Walmart is 28 miles away.

I get most stuff on line. Local grow store is all but worthless, just went there to give them another chance and they are still worthless.


Walmart nickname Wally World because it’s like am amusement park the people you see there. Put in your zip code. You may get lucky and they have the 7.5gals in stock.

You have plenty of space so If I were to do it right I’d set up some RWDC’s under SCROG tables. Of course leaving space to walk. You should check out @grandaddy13 thread:


I’m going to assume root riot would be easiest. That’s probably just because they are similar to rapid rooter, which I use. Once roots are popping out sides/bottom, you simply drop them wherever you want them. Soil, coco, or in something like hydroton is pretty much all the same.


Exactly…, after putting into the hydrotron baskets, the roots will take a while to get long enough to reach the water unless the water level is way up, or do the baskets just sit in water?


That depends too. Some setup airlift, others drip, others will top feed by hand. But net pots usually don’t sit in water.

Smart guys are about to answer too lol.


Used to sit mine in water with bad results, minor infections during seedling stage. 1-2” below is what has been recommended. This was with rockwool that just holds way too much water and doesn’t breath. Rapid rooters or root riots just seem better suited for the purpose.

Problem is, I have never grown anything in coco before so can’t speak to the level of enjoyment that it is to grow in, So I can’t tell you if your missing out on anything or not lol.

Where I do have experience is in DWC and I can say growing from seed is great and growing from clone is wonderful.

Whatever plan you choose im sure you won’t be disappointed in it :+1:


We can make this super simple if you decide to go hydro

Simply use rockwool or rapid rapid rooters, get them wet and shake them out.

Many people try to shove the tap root down the hole… don’t do that, you can break it.

Tear the medium in half, place the seed in the medium (you’ll see exactly where), and put the medium back together.

At that point just place it in the hydroponic system. If you have a top feed system setup then it will water itself, if not you will have to hand water till the roots get into the water


Even though I just purchased the coco (only $15) I don’t need to use it if getting my soil clones into DWC or RDWC is reasonable.

I have absolutely no experience or knowledge in this area. Hell, I didn’t know how to grow anything a year ago, even in dirt which has been my experience so far. Apparently I need lots of coaching.


Ah, I get it now. How often do they need to be hand watered? Is there significant benefit to having a top feed for the seedling stage?

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So you will put the rockwool into a clay medium called hydroton.

Just like soil, it’s easy to tell when the hydroton is wet or dry.

Keep it wet! As long as it’s wet it’s drinking.


Once the roots hit the water then you don’t have to do this anymore… unless you want to go more advanced :wink:


I can either get a “canned” RDWC" system or source the parts and build it.

$200 - $250 for a four bucket system but it seems that the quality of components is seriously lacking. How much (est.) to source components and build a four bucket RDWC?

I never had success direct seeding into rockwool. Always damped off. Just holds too much water and doesn’t breath.

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You can build MUCH cheaper. Tops 100-150 for a 6 station RDWC.


I run a top feed system and had to learn the amount of water that I could allow and it still be ok.

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