Compost Tea questions and discussion

So I’ve purchased that 9 dollar starter pack with the compost tea from Xtreme Gardening and it arrived yesterday. I’m going to be brewing it soon, when is a good time to give it to my plants? Should it be right after I water, in between, before, does it count as a watering per say? If you have any extra tips / info about compost teas please feel free to drop some knowledge for me!


@JaneQP @Storm @MeEasy any of y’all run the Xtreme Gardening compost tea yet? I know Jane got loads of samples from those guys in February. :rofl:


I have not myself. The ED is so easy only thing i add is maybe worm poop and some epsom while recooking. My nutes are all stored on a shelf lol.


Thx for the tag @Graysin

@Sammys It makes a really nice dark brew. I count it as water. I make 5 gallons at time but it doesn’t go far with 12 thirsty girls!

@LiesGrows Have you tried it yet?


Yes and the plants loved it so much i ordered more haha i will say tho it stains anything like a permanent marker haha this was only about a 14hr brew i even added a few tbsp of Boost to make a more nutrient dense brew for the girls


Ive never used the extreme tea starter but i brew tea for my girls. I got a simple recipe from build a soil. Worm poop, molasses and water. I ad some fish and seaweed liquid to the brew with a couple tbs of tm-7. I brew in a 40 gallon garbage can for 12 to 36 hrs depending on my needs. They love it.

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So I’m a big fan of the xtreme tea, have had some buddies ordered me the free sample and I pay them. I grow in ff soil so around week 10-12 during last flush and use strait water then come back with the tea and normally within a day or 2 so can see ur girls really perk up. Don’t know how much it actually cost but I’m a big fan


How much do you give at once for one plant?

Probably around 1/2 gallon each. When I only had four plants outside they got a thorough watering with tea.

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Do you PH before or after brewing

I don’t bother testing pH. I figure the microbes will do their job and balance everything out. Everything has been great so far!


Love to hear it :smiley: Thanks, I’m currently dechlorinating outside with a bubbler then I’ll begin brewing probably tomorrow or something. I’ll use it as a regular watering, when you give them the compost do you water till runoff or just enough to hold in. Also do you add molasses or anything to the xtreme packs?

I usually throw in a dollop of molasses or honey in my brew. Reminds me I need to get more brewing this weekend!!


Thanks for the help! Those are all my questions haha, I purchased some molasses and am excited to give this a go

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You give ur compost tea as a feeding just like a normal watering let ur tea brew for 24 hours then feed it to ur plants


@Kingkupa how do I get the samples

Hey, so what samples are u talking about ?

@Kingkupa well I was reading about the fertilizer samples. I’m new to growing and anything about sample. What kind of samples could I get LOL

Alright Im new to this too only been going for a few yrs and constantly learning new stuff. So one fertilizer samples what u need to do is use PPHD tool thing I think that is what it’s called , so just had one and them and a PH pen, when u water ur plants get it completely drenched with water, then catch what is coming out the bottom off ur pot and use that as ur sample. That’s called run off. Keeping a close eye on ur run off let’s so know what ur plant needs and doesn’t. I check mine once every 2 weeks so I know how much fertilizer to use. The higher PPM number the more stuff in soil, lower PPM no nutrients in soil for plant. Aslo keep track of PH make sure all is stay good. Any of that help ?

@Kingkupa I mean stuff like this