Cold snap—temp dropped in drying room

Last year I harvested in early October and dried the girls in my shed. Welp, this year, I couldn’t harvest until this past weekend, 10/13. About 3 days into the dry our area experienced a cold snap and the temp in the shed dropped from 65F–70F to the low 40s, possibly even low 30s overnight (I wasn’t there to see the gauge so I can’t be sure). Is this gonna cause any problems with the dry, or perhaps they’ll dry faster? Should I move them indoors? We keep the house at 68F. Thanks in advance!


Only thing i can think of is the dew point at low temps maybe causing some issue. Inside with more control would be better but more knowledgeable people will surely chime in with a more definitive answers.


Hi most of my outdoor crop gets hung in my cold garage. Humidity medium-high, wet season. This is 4 years in a row mid to late Octobers. But never during freeze. I found they dry slower and to a darker color so not as pretty… but it never hurt them, still potent and tasty.