Co² Gen/window ac?

Im building a new grow room 9 ×12. Only planting 5×12
Have 2 SF. SE1000w CO² lights and a 4 burner co² gen. Room will stay sealed…

I would like recommendations on the size of window AC to handle the job…
Thank You


:point_up_2: severely under-powered for CO2. Tagging a Grow Bro to help explain the parameters needed and the danger involved @MidwestGuy
CO2 is beneficial in the veg stage and you can accomplish this with normal CO2 levels


Couple of points.

CO2 does no good without intense lighting. You need 1200+ PPFD at the canopy for the extra CO2 to even be a factor in plant growth. CO2 in high concentrations must also be accompanied with forced O to the roots (root systems need oxygen.) CO2 also requires a sealed environment as well as the ability to force high nutrient PPMs (hydro applications are best.) If you are running AC, then you don’t have a sealed environment. It’s not possible given that AC units exhaust more heat than they mitigate.

Two SF1000s are sufficient for 1 plant as they are 100 watts each. Two plants is pushing it and you are likely to have buds that are airy if going with 2 plants. To adequately light a 5x12 you will need ~2,700 watts of high efficiency LEDs.

Burner CO2 devices can be dangerous. A former member of this forum lost a friend due to CO2 poisoning. Carbon monoxide also becomes a dangerous factor with these devices.

Ambient CO2 of 450 PPM is sufficient to grow quality buds.

To get to the point of your question, a small 5,000 BTU air conditioner is sufficient to cool your space. It’s actually a bit overpowered, but I don’t know that AC units come in smaller sizes.

Thanks for the tag, @OGIncognito.


Appreciate that Grow Bro :love_you_gesture:

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I agree with :point_up_2::point_up_2: Good luck and keep’em growin! :+1:t2::v::sunglasses:

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Most definitely agree about the sf series…
My bad in how i worded it…
Ihave 2spider farmer…SE1000 co²series lights …
According to the specs im looing at 1400 on the outside corners n over 2000 in center…

My more important question was running a 4 burner co² gen in that sized room how big of an AC i would needed to manipulate the temperature…
My appoligies for not being more clear

:point_up_2: have you run a test on this, seems extremely over inflated. I’m not a CO2 user and have great veg success with normal amounts of CO2. I’m sure @BobbyDigital and @Myfriendis410 can shed more light on this :love_you_gesture:

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I didn’t se how large a space you are illuminating but those are certainly potent lights at 1K/W each.

@peachfuzz runs burners and might have some insight.

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9×12is the size of the room grow will only utilize 5×12

I stand corrected, @Brotherman074. I overlooked that you were using the SE1000. I assumed SF1000.


Its all good im assembling a 10 ×20 detached structure with a room size of 9×12×8’ tall with 2×6 walls rafters n subfloor R19 insolation throughout 100 amp power supply…
Mostly finished just trying to dot a few i and cross the Ts once up n running really can’t afford to do mager changes state im in is NOT 420 friendly so id rather not have to worry about emergency heat venting hence the AC question… thanks

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The things you want to work toward with CO2 is to run as sealed an environment as possible. You will likely need to invest in a split AC unit and maybe an additional dehumidifier. Outside air will need to be pumped to the roots during CO2 infusion to keep from suffocating the roots. Hydro would be by far the best growing method as you can push high levels of salts to the roots at all times. Nominally CO2 is best run during veg and IIRC does not need to be present 24/7.


I would think that it would only need to be added during lights on since plants do use oxygen and produce CO2 at night (look at fish tank algae blooms killing your fish at night).