Cloudy or clear? First time grow

Hey everyone,

Just trying to get your opinion on if this is cloudy or clear or half way in-between. And how long do you think until harvest in your opinion. If you need more info lmk. I’ll provide.

Sorry about the bad quality pictures. Got Shakey hands and with the fans on its hard to get a clear picture.
Thanks as always!


There’s degrees ya know, it’s not like a three stage thing with clear, milky and boom amber. Those are turning cloudy but not quite there yet. Give it some time bro :fist_right::fist_left:


I’m going for heavy indica effect btw

I’m aware that there’s a degree. Just trying to get a more experienced opinion on when to harvest. This one is about 22 days into flowering. How much longer would you say she has until she’s ready? Not eager just curious.

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Wait for a while growmie, you’re getting good pics and your trichomes are standing nice and prominently, wont be hard for you to find your ambers when its time :metal:


So I’ve still got a while to go? Whew. Gives them more time for the buds to get bigger. And awesome! I appreciate your input! I just needed some help narrowing it down so I have that experience for next cycle ya know?

Also… Im just not ready to say goodbye just yet :sob::sob: haha but for real I’ve loved this journey I’ve shared with them thus far and it’s going to be heartbreaking to cut them down but I know what I signed up for.


If you’re looking that indica high the further you go the more you’ll get that.

Yep i totally get it, they make up a huge portion of our year and its accepting change of not going in and checking our big proud babies. Just take the eagles view and remember you’re on a big journey growing a metaphorical forest :metal:

I will be conducting a search for a little something soon so i can hold onto a plant longer, if it works out it’ll be one to watch :wink:

Oh, just dont wait until ALL of the heads have turned amber, you still wanna see that milkiness too


Yeah I did enough research to know the THC will turn to CBD over time. Just not enough research to figure out a rough scale of what weeks they turn.

I’m growing two photos next to my autos and two more I’m getting ready in the closet up stairs to bring down when the autos are done so it won’t be too too empty. But it’ll still be weird being able to walk around freely without trying to shimmy past a cola. Lol.

I’m just the type of learner where I need to be walked through the process once and then I can run ya know?


Well sheeeet soon you’ll be stepping over and around grove bags and jars full of ganj with all you’ve got going on :joy: :metal:


I have 50+ seeds ready to be planted. Gotta do something with them. Lmao.

Plus my spouse and I go through like at least a qt of concentrates a week so I gotta make sure we have enough. Lol eventually getting my own press in the future.

I’m going to manifest your last post into reality. :joy:


My guy :joy: have a good one T :fist_right:


You too dinky :fist_left::v:

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That looks like the trichomes on the sugar leaves Brother, ya gotta going in close on the calyx clusters (bud) :love_you_gesture:


Clear looks like glass and milky looks like plastic.
If ya want couch lock then just watch for amber/darker trichomes and that all the white hairs have turn dark and calyx are swollen up…

Trichomes are probably the #1 thing used to know when to harvest.
But the plants overall development is important aswell, such as all the white hairs turning dark, calxy swelling are both things I watch for as well as trichome development…


We do to :sweat_smile:
But ever think about BHO?
Heres a short post of how I do it if you’re interested.

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I have thought about BHO but the last time I checked into it was like a decade ago so the last I knew it was really unsafe back then. Plus with a kid on the way im not trying to leave them with one less parent. Lol.

But I’m all for learning. I want to make badder. It’s personally our favorite of the concentrates.
If you know of a good way to make badder I’m always willing to learn.

I did give that post a read and it seems simple enough other than the vacuum chamber. I may give it a shot in the future after I e pulled out life insurance :joy:

Also thanks for the tip for the colors of trichromes

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It most certainly can be dangerous so definitely be safe.

I’ve been doing it for probably a decade now and most always i get a firm consecrate if not “shatter” like rock candy.
But sometimes it comes out like badder or butter, sometimes crumble even.
But most always i get shatter or close to it.

The vacuum chamber is optional, the first few years of making my own, i didn’t have a vacuum chamber.

I simply made small batches like ¼oz of material at a time and I “whipped it” to purge it.
The chamber makes larger batches easier so i can run an oz or 2 at a time…

With my unconventional methods, i cannot consistently produce shatter, badder, butter, or crumble. But no matter what consistency it has been, it’s never failed to get me stoned and it’s ridiculously cheaper than buying it :sweat_smile:

Some good videos on YouTube about diy bho and purging without a vacuum chamber…


I will have to check into a vacuum chamber price because if I’m going to do it I’m going to make larger batches. I don’t wanna go through the hassle of start stop, start stop.

And I guess yeah that’s meeting the standards of what wax should do so I could try it out and see how it works for me. If you never see me post after saying I’m trying it do a dab in my memory. Lol.

I will check out some of those videos now!


Look at closed loop setups. I run one for my supply. They’re pretty cheap these day. No chances of explosions. Also hop on over to future4200 com.


Definitely will check that site out.

I have a spider farmer loupe 30x and 60x and I have a phone compatible handheld camera that goes from 50x-1000x.

Think those are good enough to check things out?

And I will checkout the closed loop setups as well. Thanks man