Real nice taste…and pretty smooth for not cured…and the buzz wasn’t overwhelming.
This was from a lower branch so I bet the the kola should be just right for New Years Eve…
woo hoo happy new year! LOL
Nice job @Capt_Seeweed it’s slow race to the end, but it sure is rewarding when you get there!
Giving my tent a rest for awhile…hoping to move to the basement next month with a bigger tent…hope Santa is listening…Ho Ho Ho
Ho Ho Ho Hopefully! @Capt_Seeweed
I’m somehow outta likes this morning! LOL But I like
Well the clones are all dried and jarred up for curing…6.5 pint sized mason jars full of bud and about an ounce of trim (now cannaoil) all from 3 plants about 18" tall…and free! The buds smell awesome…open the jars up with my morning coffee and let them breath. Very pleased with the genetics of ILGM seeds and all the support of the blog…great bunch of folks here…
Nothing better than clones in the jar! Well done, Sir! @Capt_Seeweed
Whats next? Winter hiatus?
@Capt_Seeweed i found out my last round that cloning and then f lowering them rather quickly worked well for me!
nice hard extra buds from the same seed…lol