I was not going to do any more clones, but I don’t have any more Afghani seeds left, and my lovely Afghani girl is in flower , so after long consideration, while taking lower branches off , I have started another clone , I am going to keep this clone as the mother Afghani , as I have enough plants going ,to keep her in veg state. lets cross fingers and hope I can keep my 100% cloning going, lol
Fingers are crossed @Coltfire
Good luck
Think that’s on my short list of next attempts. Have fond memories of afghani…
I’m going to grow some Afghani Gold in the spring/summer time, I’m excited to see how well it grows outdoors! Any tips or advice on growing it?
Outside ,after through seedling stage ,put it in the ground ,apply nuts when needed , walk away and just let it do its thing,src=“//cdck-file-uploads-global.s3.dualstack.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/growingmarijuana/original/3X/1/9/19e8a51e80c0632b9662e1ca6de396aa25715164.png” width=“690” height=“388”> @ktreez420
Nice @Coltfire
I don’t see why not. You seem to know whats up with cloning.
Heck, I kept my W W going for 6 generations . It took a bit before i got it down to a fine art,
Well after 24 hours ,give or take a few,the little lady is standing up ,so I guess its going to take.yeahhhhh
Well took the clone of 18/6 yesterday and put her outside ,just need to go buy some more soil so can transplant her , ,was amazed at how quick it took root and how qui k the tap root made its way out the bottom of the pot within the two weeks.,will post pics later.