I’m using the Clone King aeroponic cloner and all of the new babies have roots. How long do they need to be before you put them into the growth medium?
I’m using net pots in my DWC hydroponic.
But if your planting in soil once they bust through the rockwool they ready.
There is no rockwool, they are just suspended in mid air with water raining on them. The roots are kind of just coming out like a star burst right now and are about 1/4 to 1/2 inch long. I think I read on google that 2 to 3 inches should be good kinda how yours looks like. This is the first time I am cloning as well as using an aeroponic coloner.
@Silverfd I clone mine the lazy cheap way, in a jar of water!
When they are like this, I transplant them into their new temporary homes…little 4" pots with damp ProMix and some Cloning powder sprinkled at where they will sit, then fill with more ProMix.
After a week or so, here is a small one I took a pic of (not the same plant as previous pics). It’s smaller than the other 3 shown.
Yes that’s what I’ve read too, 2-3 inches then into the media. Once they start growing roots they will progress rather fast.
I move them to the permanent pot as they will explode with hydroponics.
November 2
November 9
Aeroponics? Looking good @Silverfd
100% success rate, pretty good for a first timer and i used small branches cuz i was afraid to hurt the mothers… first timer (what can i say).
Nice setup! I’m too cheap (ok, wife won’t let me spend much) on system like that! I too use cuttings when I thin out the “mother”, altho she’s more of a donor as I bud every plant out and don’t keep them around. Four plant limit, can’t afford NOT to smoke them all ! I’m good enuff with a 50% success rate, and that’s only 'cuz I may cut 20 or 30, once I get way more than I need, I ditch those that haven’t rooted yet!
These are all cuttings from when I trimmed my 1 Dutch Treat. By then I had 15 already rooting out of 30 from my 9LB Hammer. As much as it hurt me not to root them, I had to compost them.
I have 5 DT’s from a prior trim, so I still kept the strain alive and in the tent, and out in the yard!
That little cloner looks very familiar. I love mine
I moved my clones to the coco coir growth medium because the roots were getting so bushy. They almost could not come out of the hole in the clone king 36. They were about 1 to 1.5 inchs long but were spaces out very wide. I nearly broke off the roots on a few of them… i always see long wispy roots on the internet and thought that is what it is suppose to look like but the ones on my plants were like bean sprouts in a starburst.
That is a large costco solo cup…
Put them in their forever home would be my suggestion
Do they look ok? How come they are so thick?
Because you’re doing it right! Impressive sets of roots!
Ok great. I thought i was messing up like i was missing some kind of nutrient or had a virus or something…