Can someone tell me if this is overwatered, or underwatered?

Or normal?

This is Day 11 after sprouting, not sure why it’s a bit droopy?, I think initially from over watering, any thoughts?

generally you should not water those, but need to spray water them 3 times a day. Also they are stretching a bit, whst light are you using and how close to your seedling?

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It’s a 24w, 1450 lumens, 6500k cool daylight Philips globe, I’ve had the plant about 2-4 inches away from it for the majority of the time, I’ve also re-potted it in new dryer soil, which I’m not sure whether you should do? I’ve also taken it out of the propagator for a day or so and had a breeze on it as I have heard not to leave it in the propagator for too long, but since it started drooping I’ve put it back in there at 60% humidity until it hopefully improves

2 to 4 inches is good. I do not put mine in a dome, though i know many people do. The key is to water once till run off then just spray them untill you have a couple sets of new leaves

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Do you still have the humidity at 60% without a dome? Is there an advantage to keeping it in a dome? When should you move them under stronger lights?

Looks overwatered to me.

Also yeah need to get the light lower to help with stretching- or get a better light.

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i keep mine in a small tent and do my best to keep humidity high, but the key is to spray them as often as you can. You will use stronger lights after transplanting when you have 5 sets of leaves

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