I have had my buds drying for five days and they seem to be dry already ofc being they’re so much smaller I am probably gonna start the curing soon. Couple questions, this may sound stupid but why don’t my buds look like buds I’m use to seeing? It looks a bit different and ofc you can see the leaves curled in also but where are the buds lmao like what part do I smoke it looks nothing like the buds I’m use too. Sorry for sounding stupid, other question was I know curing is the key of course but can I smoke some now before curing? And would it be a decent high?
They dont quite look dry. Those sugar leaves have to be trimmed off. You are going the drytrim route. The sugar leaves are gonna be kinda tough to completely clear out. But you dont have to get them all anyway. There is sticky trichy goodness in them.
Bend you stems. If it snaps, they are ready to trim and jar.
Just looks like the plant was larfy and didn’t have a dense bud structure.
Is that ok and still mean you can smoke them the way they are? Also is it ok to smoke them and the leaves now? The comment above he said you can.
They feel super dry and almost break with barely any pressure tho, should I keep leaving them be? And also can I smoke them and the leaves now if I wanted too or is the curing gonna make them that much better?
I guess I basically wanna know can I smoke it now and get a good high? Is curing gonna make them
More portent or just easier to smoke? And lastly they feel pretty dry now and break off with just a small bit of pressure but I see above y’all were saying they don’t look dry. Idk why to do lol
Smoking it now is a good taste tester. If the stems snap, then its smokable. The cure improves the flavor. The flavor is apart of the high for me. Im a Terp Whore
As always, a good cure is worth its weight in gold. But ive smoked an early nugg off of almost everything ive grown. Just to check potency.
Curing doesn’t increase potency just smooths out the smoke and often improves the flavour of terpenes. So smoke now if you wish and enjoy
Are those sugar leaves smokeable also?
Can I smoke those leaves and get a good high or just what the buds did form lol
Sure the sugar leaves will get you high. Usually a little harsh though
Yeah and you can also eat it … but read up on decarboxylate and make sure to calibrate your oven first
U can smoke ur bud once its dry and yes u will get a good high but once there trimmed up and jarred and cured for a week or more the smoke will be much better
Do those buds look dry or no? Pics above ^ some are saying they don’t look dry but they break off super easy n feel bone dry idgi ughh
Eazy way of telling if the stem snaps it’s dry if it bends and dose not snap it’s likely not dry
I’ll go do that now and brb to let you guys know
I say stick a piece in your favorite pipe or bong and give it a rip.
If it is not dry enough you will know immediately because it won’t burn properly.
Tell us how it is.
I second that let her Rip
Looked a little early harvest. Another 3weeks. But i dont know much. Im new tricoms still clear and white