Can anyone help with this problem?

Soil, ph is good. Any idea what this could be?

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This is also a clone of one of my plants in flower tent. It was cut maybe 7 weeks ago give or take can’t exactly remember.

Nice looking plant ! New growth looks healthy. If not already I would use some cal-mag in my next water only day.


What kind of light and how far from the plants

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Still having issues. Only this plant out of 4. Ph is correct. Flushed. Been using calmag. I really don’t know what else to do.

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Do I understand this right you’re saying your pH runoff out is 4 pH if true I would start my verify my pH meter in a clean fresh bottle of 7 pH solution. 4 pH just seems way too low I’m leaning towards meter out of calibration.

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Sorry typing fast on my phone. Out of 4 this plant is only one exhibiting symptoms. The PH is in perfect range. I see how that could have read confusing.

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A picture in natural light would help. I can see a little bit of nute burn on the tips of the leafs. Does the new growth look healthy.

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I will get one tomorrow lights are out. But yeah the new growth looks healthy.

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I went back and looked at your original pictures your plants look pretty darn good. I could see the rusty spots on a few of the leafs which is signs of needing cal-mag. The damaged leafs will not repair you’re going to eventually prune them off. Keep adding a little cal-mag on water day only an watch the new growth. I think your plants are going to be fine.

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Here’s a pic in reg light. Looks rough in a few spots. New growth seems ok.

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@Blakzs good clear picture overall I think the plant looks good. I know you mentioned your pH is perfect. On your last runoff what was your pH and PPM ? And I assume you do have a good pH meter. Also what kind of light and height.

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Runoff was 6.3. I veg with a 250 actual wattage of led and it’s like 18” above canopy. I’m pretty sure this plants mother did the same thing last time wish I didn’t lose my notes!!

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Yeah I’ll take 6.3 ph all day, you should be fine with the light at 18inchs. I had a plant do the same thing your plant is doing . I hit it with 5 ml of cal-mag on water day only. But it’s in flower stage now looking good. Let’s tag in another set of eyes @Oldguy help me out here what do you think.

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I’ve been using calmag and have been noticing this for a few weeks . Hoping it will sort itself out like it did last time. Thanks for your time !!


Thanks for the tag @kellydans.
Just to be aware , P and K requirements go up as they go into flower as well.
Looks like cal/ mag def to me as well.
You could give it a regular feeding with good run off and that will be like a mini flush / reset for the roots.
Hope this helps @Blakzs.


Thanks for the response!! I did this already about 7 days ago. Has enough time not passed for the issue to have stopped? I know old leaves won’t turn back but it is still happening and nowhere in particular on the plant either top middle bottom they can and have been nearly everywhere. Does this still sound like calcium or magnesium issues ?


It takes about 4-5 weeks for a cal mag def to show.
So they’ll take a few weeks to show recovery.
When I had my issue with it it took a couple weeks to stop showing up.
My guess is that the prob has been fixed just taking a couple weeks to stop popping up on your leaves.
When you say soil. Which soil ?
Just curious. :+1:


Thanks!! Eases my mind. Came across bags of ffhf 2cu for 15$ Worked great for first grow it’s got a week or two left :slight_smile: