Can any of these girls be topped?

So these three girls are getting big and i havent topped them at all. Can any of these girls benefit from a topping and can you point out where i should cut? Thanks.

Plant 1

Plant 2

Plant 3


As long as she’s not in flower.

Photoperiod or auto?

All three are photos


How many existing nodes…do you have pictures of the whole plants?

Go for it , topping will slow down upward growth an let the side branches catch up and make a nice even canopy.
Good luck :v:

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Can top every branch if want. Photo can handle it.

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Can you guys point out via the pictures where i should top?

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Snip the last growth ( node) will be fine.


Would you say the same about these ~45 day autos, if I wasn’t concerned about yield, and just wanted to control size?:

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Plants look great. Personally I would not top the plants after they start flowering.
Good luck ! :v:


For reasons other than yield? What about removing the first set or two of nodes at this point?

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Autos can be a little finicky , Try pulling the limbs over and tie them down If they’re to tall.

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Sorry, those are a little old…I had to supercrop the middle one when it was 53 Days old and 40” from the soil; and I struggled with RH issues…would topping, and or removing a node or two have been a worse choice?

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Cannabis plants are pretty tough It will not kill the plants if you choose to top.

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Would you cut right where my fingers are or above?

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Good picture no I would move up to the last growth. ( Above)

Interesting :thinking: