I was wondering if you can successfully clone a auto flower strain? I did a cutting off of my White Widow auto when it was in the start of the flowering stage. Its now about 10" tall and has many tiny flower on it. It looks super healthy. Let me know what you guys think.
I have heard with autos if you clone them, the clones are still on the same life cycle as the mother. I’m curious how this turns out.
That’s what I have been reading as well. I will keep you posted. It’s full of flowers.
I’ve read that if you flower out an auto, it will reveg, but the auto gene is lost.
Now that is interesting
I will let you all know how and what she does. I took the clipping well I really broke the lower stem and instead of wasting it I tried to clone and it worked. She was about 3 feet and it was just beginning to flower.
Nice. Looking forward to seeing how it goes.
I talked to a friend of mine that was a very large grower. He had a mother plant that he kept for cloning. He looked at the clone I posted here (its doubled in height) that is an auto. He said that it’s called “One Budding”. I have not read up on it yet but do you know anything about that? Could this clone turn into one giant 3’ tall bud?
I’ve never heard that. Would be nice if it did though!
We will see. I will post some pics for you in a few weeks.
Here is the White Widow Auto that I cloned. So on May 20th which makes the plant 30 days old I broke off the bottom most branch. It was just starting to flower. I put it in a rooting compound and wrapped it in some kind of fiber and then put that in water. I posted about 30 days ago when I finally planted it, somewhere around July 12th. Now it looks like this. The main and mostly the only one the bud is starting to fatten up.
A friend of mine has cloned a few autos but they are spindly little skeezers
This one is just growing straight up. It is going to be a one bud.
Hi, I have a cutting I took a couple of months ago and it doubled in height and will be a single 8 "
bud. Better than nothing I guess.
Nice! One hell of a nice bud,
That’s exactly how mine looks!
“True humility is not thinking less of yourself; it is thinking of yourself less.” C.S. Lewis