Boomers here would be Baby
More Cajun than Texan. Actually the Emerald coast.
Yeah, that too. Baby Boomers for sure was taught in “history” - weird to me because my parents were born during the boom. Didn’t seem that historical to me. Now looking back on it I realize they had me pretty late in life. Lucky they’re both still with me.
Excuse me, I didn’t answer your question. Yes, I will be dealing with extreme humidity. I plan to stay proactive with protection remedies for mold, mildew, bud rot, and more than likely other problems headed my way.
Have you checked out the nuclear museum in ABQ?
Yessir. Been to White Sands before, too, but I gotta admit I was too young to remember much beyond the probably-radioactive glass (“trinitite”)
Nuclear museum is a must for Breaking Bad fans, too, even if you’re not a history buff.
@Lacewing @TheVirginian @Mr_Wormwood are in areas that can get real humid. Don’t recall other folks offhand, sorry.
Thank you
I’m not a mentor, but look forward to following. I am at the Gulf in the Forgotten Coast and my place has massive coastal pines and sandy soil too. Cheers, the Gulf is bright tonight after being fogged in bad for days! Anyway, I’ve only done indoor but was thinking about trying an outdoor run this season. I got 10 free seeds when I bought 10 and didn’t really think through what 20 plants actually meant for a single mofo with one 2x4x7 tent.
Are you thinking of starting those inside now and then transplanting them outdoors in March? The recent weather has been so all over the place between warm and wet Gulf air for a few and then cold and dry arctic crap for a few.
Like everyone here, I trend towards overloving these indoor plants what with maintaining the proper environment day-after-day, piping in music, talking to them, etc. TMI, I know, my point is - I was worried about all the ills that may befall the outdoor ladies and got skittish. Everything from pests to animals to nosy people (inc. the law) and more. Kind of like having indoor dogs living it up and sleeping on the bed while the outdoor dogs are in the elements sleeping on dirt. All kinds of BS can happen to them. How’s that for double anthropomorphic…I know, I know…
Maybe I just defined a control freak?? S#@t…. so many of you all have pics of gorgeous outdoor plants. It’s just that it is seems like the yields are generally more consistent and higher quality grown indoors and the failure rate is lower. Do I have that wrong?
This!!! I spent a year researching and lurking before I even thought of starting. Even after that, I still ran into a bunch of problems.
I would shop for strains that are suited specifically for your environment. I believe ILGM offers that. There’s a Mod who’s down your way that may have some experience and tips to offer, @PurpNGold74 He’s been silent lately, maybe this’ll pull him back in lol.
I went through the art of trying to create the perfect environment for plants indoors in the late 1980’s. For me now, that is just to much fuss. I’m willing to let mother nature handle that at this time.
Welcome to the Happy Zone.
Post this in the outdoors grow section, give a few details of your grow and there will be someone who steps up, its that kinda family.
We love the pictures snd most of all, the buzz it give to someone.
Welcome aboard.
Ugh, the late 80s was tough at times, no doubt…. Ebbs and flows of the ever-fabled Mexican seeded brick weed for $1,500 an elbow…
Ive spent a crap ton of money trying to create the perfect environment. Living in the south sucks as far as weather. I bet ive got close to 3500 bucks just in a 16x8 space. Ive got air conditioner, heat, humidifier, and 2 dehumidifiers. Im able to control my exhausts through my controller remotely and have it zeroed in a around 80 with lights on and 65 to 70 with lights off hovering around 50 to 55 % humidity.
Looking around outdoor growing Forum, I have found that plants can go outside after final freeze. I plan to get mine outside Mar.15 as that is the first of the season’s 12 hrs plus of daylight according to the Naval Observitory. I am preparing soil from my forest floor to put in my containers. Being new to outdoor growing I’m researching best soil ingrediants. Will Advise.
| SandyC
February 6 |
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Ugh, the late 80s was tough at times, no doubt…. Ebbs and flows of the ever-fabled Mexican seeded brick weed for $1,500 an elbow…
Sounds AWESOME, Show me the way!!
Canna Coco off of Amazon
Fabric Grow Bags
Jack’s 321 nutes
Ph up
Ph down
Quality grow light
Off to the races.
Welcome to ILGM @TOUGH-TONY127
Dont forget PH pen and PPM pen also