California Dream in DWC

I dropped a light weight screen on the taller plant…it spread things out and lowered her to the same height as the other plant which had a little LST applied…I gave the larger girl a shot of Cal Mag with her water this morning after tucking and trimming…


Looks like you are having fun, and that is important!

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Plants are looking incredible! Great job @kabongster

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thanks @Nug-bug and @bryan …as long as the plants are healthy, we are having fun :wink: …and the fun continues long after the harvest :yum:

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I changed the water, fed the girls…

I had planned to switch to 12/12 this week, but ended up trimming this morning, gonna let them recover a bit, it’ll be another 7-14 days before a light schedule change.

I spent 4 hours mixing nutes a few days ago…the silica supplement was first and it sat 45 minutes before I added the cal mag which sat 45 minutes before the Micro and Bloom went in (no Grow) then pH’ed and finally the hydroguard and Mammoth P
ppm was 900ish for both girls.


That’s exactly what I feed my girls with @kabongster, other than I have a different brand of Silica and I use Rhino Skin now.



the girls got fresh water and nutes early yesterday, I increased the ppm on the larger plant to 1100, the smaller to 850, gave them the usual silica supplement, cal mag, Micro and Bloom, Hydroguard and Mammoth P…pondering my 12/12 schedule, when to start and stop for my convenience, probably a 10AM to 10PM cause I’m not comfortable doing maintenance in the evening, keeping the lights out during the warmest hours and the grow area dark to inquiring to inquisitive grandson’s eyes :eye::eye:!

1 Marshydro 300 watt (138 true watts), 1 Bestva 1000 watt (188 true), 1 Wellpar 400 watt (156 true) over a 2’ x 4’ canopy


every time I see people talk about their LEDs it makes me wonder how effective they really are? with 500w of power being comprised of 3 lights I think to myself how could that be any cooler or better than a single 600w HPS in a cool tube? I may be missing a point somewhere but the main reason to go to led’s is reduced temps and operating costs or at least improved yield and light penetration?
I don’t know it’s lost on me somewhere I guess the plants are looking good buddy I assume you will be flipping them soon since screen is full

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Here is an article that explains it very well


a selling point for me on LED is that you’re buying into an expandable system, one bright light at a time, one light to start them all and in the darkness bind them…sorry, LOTR got in my mind…

bought first, the Marshydro is great for starting a few plants…the Wellpar bought off eBay a month or so later got me to 300 watts for those two plants through veg…and the Bestva light finished my tent for this grow without air cooling a fixture…my first indoor summer grow, something I avoided because of heat, humidity and bugs (knock on wood)…my 500ish non air cooled watts in 3 lights to be configured any way needed or expanded further or added to my HPS light…but it has gotten warm in the tent, water temps have hit 74F short term and air temps of 76F at canopy on the hottest days.

I dunno increased yield, yet (fingers crossed)…as for penetration (just saying that makes me smile like a school boy :grin:), maybe the lights overlapping will help that?


that’s a good article

the article has “As with most myths, there’s a grain of truth in it” about the heat comparisons between lights and LEDs being not as hot for the plants is enough for me to try them out…I dunno how hot a comparable HPS/MH/HID/LEC/CMH system would get or how much cooler my tent would have been with one because I don’t know how to compare them to my 3 lamps 480 watts over an 8 sq ft canopy in a 4’ x 4’ tent
the range of watts per square foot needed for LEDs, I’ve seen it posted as a range of 30 watts up to 50 or more watts/sq ft while the other systems seem to say 50 watts/sq ft are best.
how much does air cooling one of those other bulbs made to run at higher temps lower it’s lighting efficiency?

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two days since the res change, ppm on the screened plant is down 300, 1100 to 800 while the smaller is down 170, 850 to 680…temps are 69.4 and 70.2 for the water

I changed them to a 12/12 schedule this morning.


water change was Friday morning…1275 ppm for both plants, pH 5.8… @Countryboyjvd1971

2 days later, the screened plant’s pH is at 5.9 and ppm is 900, the smaller plant is at 5.8 PH and ppm of 1040

the smaller plant

the screened plant

screened plant above, smaller still with LST shackles below


a quick check this morning and water on no.1, the screened plant is ppm 690 pH 5.9, no.2 is ppm 930 pH 5.8


today’s images, fresh water and nutes…in 3 gals., 7 ml silica, 12ml cal-mag, 40ml micro, 40ml bloom, 6ml hydroguard, 2ml mammoth p, 3/4tsp bud blood…ppm hit low 1600’s

and lights out


Your nailing it buddy plants are looking awesome

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looking good @kabongster!

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Boy those girls ain’t counting no calories huh?:wink: we like em thick!


Thanks @Donaldj @BIGE @Nug-bug

the girls are starting to pistillate

they show some leaf tip burn…pH is steady after the usual change after res change adjustment

the batteries in my pH meter needed replacing after 1 1/2 years use, the meter was getting inconsistent in it’s readings.

the two plants are touching the side walls of the tent