Is this a fungus gnat? I watered yesterday.
I have mosquito bits I bought last week. Haven’t used them yet. If so, I’ll use it asap.
Just wanted to check in with everyone here before doing something I shouldn’t.
Oh, also! Do fungus gnats (assuming this is one ) eat tiny holes in leaves? One of my other plants have 3 tiny holes. 3 total. One leaf has one hole. A few others have a tiny hole. It’s not bad. I assume this pest made them (saw a few of these last week also).
They fly. For a short time.
No expert but I don’t think fungus gnats attack leaves. It looks a bit big for one compared to the little bastards I get. It’s not a huge worry unless you have a lot of them when the plants are young. Then the larva can damage roots. You’ll see them flying around and out of the space between the media and pot. I’ve used sand as a top layer but eventually it’ll pull back and give them space to reach the media again. Only thing that worked for me was nematodes. Now I don’t really worry unless it’s infestation bound. Diatomaceous earth works as well. I use Autopots so I don’t water from the top but it technically is silica also. Unless your soil looks alive try the cheapest option first.
Im not 100% sure but it looks like an adult thrip
Thank you, both.
So, we’re 50/50 whether it could be a gnat or thrip.
Anybody else know what it might be?
Will mosquito bits kill both gnats and thrips?
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Capt. Jacks Deadbug is awesome!
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Yellow stickies will help catch them. I would water in with some mosquito bits to make sure no larva are in the soil……
Thank you. It doesn’t look like that to me in real life.
I’m leaning towards it’s a fungus gnat. They’re tiny enough to kill between your fingers.
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