Anyone have an idea what’s going on here. I suspect bad dirt. I’ve been nursing these plants for a friend. One is healthy dark green. The other is light green and dark brown spots on leaves.
Hey plants look great, I’m no pro but looks like a lil nute burn. Which is totally ok it just means you are pushing them to there max, which to me is a good thing. What ever your doing keep it up. The lighter green might mean you need some nitrogen, or some magnesium. 2 very small fixes
This is what I started with when my buddy brought them to me. I cut them back and strapped them down.
I pumped some epsom into the one with the brown spots today.
Mild nute burn - often called “painted fingernails” because it’s essentially optimal nutrient push. Once growers see the tips beginning to burn like that, they’ll back off the nutes by 50-100 PPMs and let it ride all the way unless deficiency crops up. But they look good - healthy and nothing that leaps out.
I think you did a great job from before and after pics.
Thank you. I just kept pruning and staking.