Bracketh's 2x2 Adventure World


Patience is the hardest lesson to learn. I have a bad habit of looking in on them several times a day and whining about how slow they are growing. LOL


So the girls are struggling a bit. Temp 80° vpd .6 Not so sure about the Disco Biskits making it. May cull them and continue with the GDP and drop a new DB…

DB1 - one of her little leaves dried up but she is still reaching. Not sure on her.

DB2 - moved a little above ground but not opening up

DB3 - opened up but not sprouting up. She has a 3 point leaf coming out but still not moving upward

GDP - looks the best. She should be good

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Sadly they didn’t make it! Ugh but good news ILGM is replacing them so there is that. Gdp is still trying. Inhad added some horsetail as a mulch cover which I out on to thick and started to grow white mold. So now fighting that on her.

Dropped another bean last night will prep soil tod
Night for her. Will definitely have it proper moisture level to start this time. She has a small tail all ready showing.


I would recommend after a tail sprouts on the seed to drop them in solo cups. Big pots make the watering frequency much more difficult. Smaller plant home is easier to control and transplant around 14 days above ground :love_you_gesture:


Yeah I think the 1/4 gallon nursery bag was drying to quick. Going to go back to my 3in starter pot. Always had succes with these on other crops.

@OGIncognito Side note life on the intercoastal brings its visitors. It’s the start of mating season


Sounds like a plan Grow Bro. Beautiful scenery and the sounds a bull gator makes during the mating season is pretty cool and scary :love_you_gesture:


Oh for sure they get loud!

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These Disco Biskits are giving me a hell of a time. The bean I popped in the dirt on the 4th decided she wanted to start life upside down. Found her with half helmet on about 3/4" down with taproot straight up in the air. She is corrected and hopefully will be okay.


@ChittyChittyBangin @OGIncognito @Ebb @beardless

Have any of you seen this :arrow_heading_up:? I’ve only found a couple of things on taproot upside down


Ive never personally seen it. When you dropped, did you go taproot up or down? I always drop taproot up. She will correct herself under the soil.


Taproot up. Yeah normally they do correct them selves but she was completely upside down. Lol


No personal experience but have seen it here a few times :love_you_gesture:


Yes quite often actually. Are you using a heatmat for your seedling? If so id take it off if you havent already. Although plants are gravitropic by nature ive found this to happen sometimes when im using a heatmat.

Just gently redirect the tap root downwards and shell be fine.

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@Ebb Not using a heat mat. Just keeping temps at a steady 77°.

I flipped her right side up last night.

This is her now


Good deal @Bracketh . Im sure she will fare way better than the Autoflower seedling i accidently broke off at the soil line yesterday lol. Purple Haze Auto that had like a piece of skin holding the stem together after playing barbarian pulling her out if the seedling tray by the stem.

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Oh no!!! I feel like I’m still going to have some surgery left. Lol looks like she may have some skin still on as well. They are so tough yet so delicate.

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Spritz her with some water :droplet: to soften the shell. Shell let go eventually


Awesome will do! Thanks

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So, I have decided to make this my official thread and journal.

We have had a couple of hicups along the way to this point, but here we are with 2 Disco Biskits #1 - Day 24 and #2 - Day 17 above ground.

#1 has given the hardest time with she sprouted completely upside down and had to reroot her upright. She started with only one cotlyn leaf. Then had what I think was soil mites and I burnt her a little with lost coast spray by not allowing to dry completely, and to strong of a mix. She has since recovered, been buried up to starter leaves and first node chopped off do to leaf deteriorating. Oh yeah and fungus knats. Not bad but have every treatment I can think of going

#2, on the other hand, has been just pushing along doing her thing.

Currently Room temp - 77°
Leaf Temp - 75°
Vpd .8 with a -2° off set
About 3-4 lady bugs in tent working away. Sticky traps up, top of soil treated with mosquito bits and DE. Also weekly foiliar spray of lost coast plant therapy.