Bottom Yellowing leaves

Is that normal that the 2 big leaves are turning yellow after about 3weeks?

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No, need some pictures.

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If you need to diagnose a problem then you’ll want to fill this out and upload some pictures.

Support Ticket

COPY/PASTE the below list into your forum post.
Answer these simple questions the best you can.
If you do not know, or do not use something; Just say so = NA

Strain; Type, Bag seed, or NA

Soil in pots, Hydroponic, or Coco?

System type?

PH of runoff or solution in reservoir?

What is strength of nutrient mix? EC, or TDS

Indoor or Outdoor

Light system, size?

Temps; Day, Night

Humidity; Day, Night

Ventilation system; Yes, No, Size

AC, Humidifier, De-humidifier,

Co2; Yes, No

If you can, upload a picture of your plant. It helps the diagnosis, if needed.

Add anything else you feel would help us give you a most informed answer. Feel free to elaborate, but short, to the point questions and facts will help us help you


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COPY/PASTE the below list into your forum post.
Answer these simple questions the best you can.
If you do not know, or do not use something; Just say so = NA

Strain; OG Kush autoflower

Soil in pots: Pro-Mix HP

System type?soil

PH of runoff or solution in reservoir?6.5

What is strength of nutrient mix? EC, or TDS

Indoor or Outdoor

Light system, size? LED 1000w

Temps; Day, Night~~22

Humidity; Day, Night: idk but its kinda low

Ventilation system; Yes

AC, Humidifier, De-humidifier,no

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Ok, thanks for posting the support ticket. We need a few experts to see your post, so just be patient. @Countryboyjvd1971, @garrigan62

The plant looks good. Trim the bottom leaves In my opinion

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That is normal !!! no worries

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I have an other plant who is about 2-3weeks old…I think I’ve stressed him a lot when i transplanted him so it caused the weird leaves… but di you think the yellowing on the bottom leaves is normal too?

Those yellow leaves are only the feeder leaves and they die off naturally as the plant matures. The other plant is different and I’m not sure what is causing those leaves to yellow.

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The plant in the first picture looks like you could lower the light some, now, that is just based on the node spacing that I see

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Yes this is absolutely normal fir the first few sets of leave to yellow you will probably loose the three fingered leaves as well and die off as she gets established and going the plant look healthy to me @420happygrow

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Ph is pretty high for promix 5.8-6.3 would be a better target range since promix isn’t actually soil easy adjustment otherwise they look healthy

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Yeah Ill try to adjust it…I thought it was okay because it’s wrote for pH between 5-7 on the soil pack

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Just cutted off the two yellow leafs