Blueberry regular seeds

Where can I find Blueberry regular seeds? Safe by mail.

Does ILGM not sell regular blueberry seeds?
Edit…guess not

There’s a seed bank named after a 90’s Seattle grunge band who’s lead singer shot himself in the head with a shotgun. They have blueberry kush fem. Their packaging is real stealthy but it does take three weeks to get them.


It’s okay to say “Nirvana seeds,” it’s just against the rules to link to them. But there are others, too.


Oh, lol


The description was spot on!


Wanted to make him work a little, lol

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If you want the original, search DJ Short.


Thanks, I ordered a pack of DJ Short regular Blueberry :grinning:


I have been searching for DJ Short seeds…they pop up, and are gone just as fast.

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You said…oh lol…bahaha you put some effort into that one :beers:

Some of the DJ Short seeds were over $300 for 13 seeds!!! My ILGM Durban Poison reg seeds sprouted so I am hoping for 1 male to start playing. It would be cool to cross with a Blueberry.


@Covertgrower snagged some recently. I had opportunity, but went with shortbread instead. lambs bread x sour diesel x DJ short f4 blueberry. Came with freebies of blueberry milk…


@imSICKkid @elheffe702 @RAP I’m not kidding when I stalked the website for MONTHS checking and rechecking when they had some in stock. I got the email, and I couldn’t click BUY fast enough. I got some though.
Yep, I’ll be breeding these, because they’re difficult to get. Such a classic strain. I wouldn’t cross it with anything else. Yet.


@BobbyDigital JBCseeds has seeds and they are stationed in Massachusetts right here in the great USA . im not trying to take business from ILGM but if someone is looking for something ILGM doesnt have i dont think they’d mind them going elsewhere …

Kurt Cobain took the cowards way out , and over a broad ?
Should have been smoking weed from ILGM and perhaps his eyes would have been open and he wouldn’t shot hisself he would have chilled out and got a divorce, fuhq that Beach .

Please don’t link competitors.

@dbrn32 thanks for editing my stuff and bestowing upon me your wisdom. i wasnt trying to take business from ILGM just helping a fellow grower…

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Yup. Not so much a problem with mentioning another seed bank, that’s typically fine as long as it’s done tastefully.

Well the DJ Smart Blueberrys are ordered. From the location they are coming from I expect them by end of next week. I am excited. I may pop a couple in when they come or may wait to grow in cooler winter months. Would it matter?