Blueberry and white widow

your not wrong there bro ,just the way i like it ,but they do have a fair bit of brown leafidge i’ve gotta pull out but chunky heavy buds

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that is such a cool idea lol i think i’ll give it a go


@daz49 Those girls are looking fantastic!

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thanks bro ,they are sticky and smelling amazing to ,cant wait to try this lot out ,its taken a long time ,another 5 days and its been 3 months ,thats over 12 weeks for an 8 to 10 weekers

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Trich fest!! Looking juicy @daz49

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thanks my brother,glad you think so ,i’m still seeing only a few amber trich’s on the buds with my jewelers loop but i’m sure there’ll be more by next weekend when i split the stems

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Looks like you’ve got some amber there. Woo hoo! How did you make out with the mold?


thanks ,i cut out the effected parts and threw them away ,the next day a little more showed itself and i cut that out to and no more effected by the mold since


Good news then. I know when I cut my BBA I had to do the peroxide wash on several buds that had some white mold like stuff on them. It was in the area that was in the corner of the tent with not enough air circulation. Glad it wasn’t too bad for you.

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yeah my area that had it was more because they were all twisted and tied up together with the over under weaving and the effected part was underneath so once i found it ,it was quickly sorted thanks

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Looking very sexy weed porn tgere brother

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thanks brother ,your not wrong and i am very much looking forward the trying the end product ,if its as good as it smells its going to be amazing ,which is strange cos amazing is right up my ally lol

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I know the feeling i just harvested one of my girls few days ago what you think it’s ww


omg omg ,i am so jel right now ,i so so want to be an out door grower but for me it just aint never going to happen,i wanted to know about outdoor grows ,do they finish on there own or do you decide when to chop ,they look amazing brother ,i would love to be your neighbor and your best friend lol

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I’m looking forward to stemsplitting on the weekend, @AnneBonny any ambers turn up for you yet on your bba

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Absolutely yummy!!! Fantastic Job :fireworks:

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Thanks my friend, it really does feel like a long time coming lol but worth it

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Yes, thanks. Finally I got enough amber and chopped her down on Saturday. She is hanging and drying as I type.


well done my friend i’m really glad they came through for you ,i’m sure it’ll be well worth the wait ,my next saturday all hangs on the trichomes on the day ,many other factors to but if i don’t find the trichomes the way i want them then i’ll wait longer ,i’m determined to be patient and wait as long as it takes ,i mean at this late stage in the game ,after everything i’ve been through to get the girls to this stage ,it’d be silly not to wait


The same as indoor man but i had to chop early had 1st bit of bud rote but thay were only week or two off anyway