Blue Dream : First Indoor Grow!


it’s honestly really hard to tell if the rust is progressing as it’s on every leaf except for the new growth, and it’s hard to keep track of the new growth. i started taking pics but then also realized if i don’t shoot from the exact same angle and distance, it’s still hard to compare. so i’m going to get better at doing that.

I got the Serenade yesterday, and after my hydrogen peroxide learning experience, did one test bud on each plant. it turned my lovely white pistils to shriveled amber. i don’t think i’ll be using it unless i feel like i can paint each leaf with a q-tip but that could take a week. going to research baking soda next but i think i read somewhere it did the same to other pistils.

I also got a whole room dehumidifier and moved the intake ducts from the outside hallway back into the bedroom so i can create a closed system. the room is still warm, so will keep an eye on the temp. after two hours we’re at 78 degrees and… each hygrometer has a different reading. the cheap ones are at 47% and then my bluetooth probe says 53%. :thinking:

Thelma’s pistils are all thick and shooting straight up. made me sad to see this this morning.

I flushed them both two days ago and last night did a full 100% feed. Will do again tonight to cover my Calmag bases.

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