Hello, just wanted to know if anyone can verify what deficiency this is or toxicity? I think it is magnesium deficiency but not sure. I only found it on 3 leaves. Can anyone help?
I increased the concentration of our nutrients to 24cc/gal of grow A & B yesterday (Saturday). If I don’t see the results I’m hoping for, I will add some of the hydrated lime Wednesday.
Here are the little boogers today:
Cant really see from your picture but this may help.
Thanks BLZD
I’m still not happy with my leaves after increasing their nutes. Today (Tuesday) I’m going to add some of the hydrated lime. Thanks again @Niala for all your advice!
You’re welcome @Izzy
could be TMV Tobacco Mossaic Virus but screams PH fluctuation everytime I look at it
thanks @Donaldj, I have been trying to keep my pH closer to 5 and above. But I still am not going to go against product recommendations and feeding schedules.
I also looked up TMV, it does look a similar to my plant. How to plants contract TMV? I feel like being in such a tightly controlled and maintained space would help prevent any viruses like that. But I honestly know very very little about plant viruses.
It’s a contact and or genetic virus so even making a salad in kitchen then handling plants after can spread it and once plants have it no recovering it’s the second herpes of the grow room. House plants can carry it so incredibly easy to spread you can grow plants through whole grow even with it but effects yields and drives people batty looking for def.
good to know! I am learning so much and am having a ton of fun.
Good to hear oddly enough I actually get frustrated often looking at other peoples plant symptoms, not because I don’t like to help quite the opposite I want to and it bothers me when a plant stumps me lmao. Then it usually turns out to be something incredibly simple I missed or just genetics
Yeah i can hear it from here too ahah.
::insert eye roll here::
Ok so this popped up on my plants like 3 days ago. I don’t know if it is a calcium or magnesium deficiency. I looked at charts and can’t tell. Any body have any ideas? Thanks
You need to start your own topic @JDSMOKE
Post a support ticket with it and we will be sure to help you out!
@Izzy I use the same nutes. Are you using the orininal Grow A and Grow B or the new 2x strength? I know it says not to adjust the pH unless it’s below 3.0 or above 6.0, but I still adjust my pH and keep it right at 5.8. I also am only feeding at 1/2 strength (4ml/gal of the new 2x strength). Seems to be doing well. Here’s a pic I just took yesterday.
That looks so pretty! How far along are you? I think I am using the original stuff. (It came with my grow cabinet kit). I’m about to start my second grow and hopefully use all my new knowledge to have a better outcome! It’s nice to find someone using the same nutes!
As of today, she is 28 days (4 weeks) old. So that pic is a week old. The 2x strength is the same stuff, you just use half as much.
Hey did you ever find out what was going on im getting the same problem? Please let me know thank you.