Best time to grow in the north east

whats the best time to grow auto’s in new england, all the help would be great, ty

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Growing inside? All year round. Outside, shop for a hardy weather strain, start it inside then move it out in May /June for late Sept early Oct harvest. Also look at auto strains. They have a little lesss yield, but if you time them right with help starting them inside early, you can bang out two successive crops.

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If growing inside you can grow whenever as long as your indoor area is set up correctly.
If growing outdoors I try and start germination a week or so before Memorial Day (March 28th is Memorial Day) by the time you are ready to plant them outside you shouldn’t have to worry about any frosts. I germinate and then plant them into peat pots and keep them indoors under T5 lights for a few weeks or until they have 5 nodes.

thanks for the info but i do not have lights, i will have to keep them on a window ledge for a few weeks

@daddydays, I started my indoor grow by driving to Home Depot and purchased one of their single grow lights. The ones you screw into a light fixture. That’s all ya need for a while with your babies.

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Happy Anniversary, @Jmesser80! :smiley:

You can start autos two weeks before last frost and transplant one week after. Use at least 3 gallon pots.

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i will look into that, so keep it on 24/7 ?

thanks for the info

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I would run an 18/6 light schedule til they go outside.

@daddydays, you will learn the girls will need their sleep time. Well actually they aren’t sleeping. @3high5you has it right. Good luck and have fun.


@daddydays if your going to use sun light to start the plants i would wait until mid to late April to start them and aim to put them out mid to late may once weather warms up
Im also in NE and last
You should be harvesting by end of july with autos

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thanks for the info,will do.

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