Hello fellow gnomes I’m just curious what people are using as far as pre amended soil. I’m using large AC Inf wicking bases. I would like to be able to top dress as I’m going into flower without risk of salt buil up in the soil from the nutrients it came with. I know I could mix it myself but honestly I’m to lazy and would rather find a reliable product. All rensonses appreciated.
Fox Farm or Coast of Maine, miracle grow would have the synthetic fertilizer you’re referring too
Cosst of Maine Stonington Blend, Indicaja, Fox Farm, Build a soil, Roots Organics,
Stay away from anything that says time released.
Ive always had great luck with foxfarm happy frog. I usually add a little more perlite, gypsum, rock dust to the mix. Top dressed with gaia green, castings, seaweed extract every 2 to 3 weeks. I also add a little recharge here and there during waterings.
Past experience with the ac infinity base, you will need to top water the first few times after top dressing in order to work it into the soil. The water base usually doesnt wick all the way to the top of the soil. More like the bottom 3/4th.
Did you have any issues with salt buildup and are you reusing your soil? Just curious
Earth juice Rainbow Mix bloom
I use this as a top dressing during flower outdoors. edit Im also using ac infinity self watering bases in my new tent
I top dress with organic amendments. No need to worry about salt buildup with organic. Salts come with the synthetic stuff.
Perhaps my knowledge in wicking systems available is a little antiquated, but I’m not sure top dressing ammendments is very efficient in the versions of these systems I’m familiar with. If you’re plan is to top dress, top watering whether it be by hand or automated system is probably a better way to go. If you’re set on a wicking system but want to avoid synthetics is still doable, but you would probably be more inclined to use water soluble organics, compost tea’s etc.
I am a recent convert to FFHF as my final choice.
Allow room for top dressing.
Love bottom watering with AC-I ., too.
Most amended soils have organic nutrients…no salt build up. The salts come from synthetic fertilizers
@Qubaca . I use bottom wicking systems and they need to take nutrients from the bottom. There’s not enough moisture in the top of the vessel to dissolve and activate the dry amendments
I was told fox farm h.f. and o.f. both have synthetic fertilizers is this true? If so I was just looking for an alternative to use after I use up the huge bags of this I have left:rofl: I’m going to add and water in build a flower when the bases run dry, just as the bag starts to get light. Almost doing a dryback between base refills. Im hoping this will allow the nutrients to get absorbed. If this don’t work I’ll just get liquid organic nuts to use. What are your thoughts? 5 wks old I’m so proud
Your plants look very healthy Growmie, I’m pretty sure the OF and HF are organically amended
Thank you so much. That’s what I thought I was reading but I’m new to this.