Beginner Lost in Germination

seems like just flying around but on Soil

Ok, well the transplant should help. Just make sure the soil doesn’t stay too wet, that can cause gnats.

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I’m still only fine mist spraying around the edges twice a day

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Ok, good, the flies are probably nothing then. Post some pics when you get a chance.

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Babies Not doing so good,
Tried to stop the “Streaching” put light at 2" but think that was to close on the white widow
The first pic is of the ILGM Gold Leave only 2 of 5 started, have no roots out the bottom yet and My Dam Cat knocked that tray over,I Was going to put those 2 in a pot today but,when I found tray on floor the stem’s where bent,so don’t want to stress them any more
And Not sure how I got Hard water,“The white on top of soil”
And by changing soil got rid of the flying bugs,Seems they don’t like the peer lite stuff
@raustin @merlin44 @blackthumbbetty When should I start using Nuterants?
And on last pic is it normal for the stem to have 2 different colors?

@Rick3 you have quite the mixed bag there. Some look good and others, well, not so much. I don’t have the experience to offer much advice but will be watching for what others like @raustin @Niala or @neckNflu might have to say.

As for feeding them, I am inclined to wait several weeks before first feeding. I just fed two of my five plants for the first time yesterday (an experiment) and they will be 5 weeks old tomorrow.


I keep forgetting you’re in Florida. There is a lot of salt in your water, so you might be seeing salt on top of the soil and pots. Come to think of it, the salty Florida water just might be your main problem. You’re gonna hate this idea, but I would start using bottled water on your plants. I also think they could use a little more water than usual because of the heat, but not too much.

Those two babies look good, but damn, you gotta keep the cat away! I hope they’re not damaged. You can transplant them into pots, they look ready.

As for feeding, if the original, round feeding leaves are dead, then it’s time to start feeding. If I remember correctly, your soil has nothing in it, so I would start feeding at half strength.


That is from bottled water,but the PH was at 7.7 so took it down to 6.5. No nothing in soil. I got my EC meter yesterday What numbers should I be looking for?

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Excellent! Did you find the feeding schedule for your nutes? You should probably start with one of the three bottles, but I’m not sure which one. Start feeding at half strength. Allow some water to come out the bottom of the pot, collect that water and using your new EC meter measure the EC. It should be around 0.7, or 200-500 PPM. It’s not critical that its exact, just in the neighborhood.

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@raustin Remember when I dug out all the seeds that didn’t start? then put them in the little medium things you told me about, None grow from them,Do you think I can use them Over again? or like the 2 out of 5 Gold leave,think I can use them 3 for either gold leave or something different?

I would leave those Gold Leaf seeds in the pods for a while longer. It’s possible they could still sprout, not likely, but possible. I think you should contact customer support and tell them the seeds didn’t germinate. Their policy is to send you new seeds.

I have already contacted them,they asked if I had any orders out there. I said no cuz I want to find my problem first. In the mail today they sent 5gold leave an5 amnesia haze auto’s. I Love ILGM. Do you think I can reuse them pods that had a seed but never started???

Oh, excellent! Yeah, ILGM is great when it comes to these issues.

I wouldn’t reuse the pods because if there’s nothing growing in them then they can have mold and mildew starting in them. Use fresh, new pods for new seeds - they’re cheap enough.


I Think my 5 white widow that looked so great, Has took a shit, I Had the light 2" not might have fried them, I Brought them back in the house under a Full spectrum light

Ok, I found a .Pdf, but i can’t upload it. So here is the link: Fertilize a Ratio - #2 by Goldengreen

This is what you have, right?

Oh, @Rick3, no. Say it ain’t so. I need to see pictures.

Ok 1st is 3 of 5 gold leave that did not start
2nd is the white widow that was looking good
3rd are northernal light auto
4th is the only 2 gold leave that started

Oh no, those White Widows look fried! Move the light up a few inches and let them recover. Hopefully, there’s not too much damage.

The Northern Lights look like the need a good feeding, so get them some nutes. The two Gold Leaf look good too.

Give everyone some nutes at half strength.

Honest I’m so Scared of using nute’s. I Fry other bull shit plants with it,plus I turned My lawn from a Beautiful green to Yellow in a day
So I start with “All in one Starter Fertilizer”?

Don’t be afraid. I’m holding your hand through this. Did you find the link to the schedule I posted? Use that as your guide, but only go half strength. Let’s see how they do with that.

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