Beginner Hydroponic DWC

Agree with TDub. Whats the water temp? Are you able to keep it cool? Hows your PH doing?
So much going on right now with your plant and lot to consider. Stay on top of things and you should be good to go.
Good luck! :+1: :sunglasses:


@Mr-Ace I’m not too familiar with hydro but that does look a little sad to me, if it just needs some food feed her and you’re good to go!

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@HappyHydroGrower @TDubWilly @Hello777hi

I haven’t added anything too the water inside of the reservoir. Only distilled water. I had a dome over it to increase the humidity and root growth. I’ve read and watched videos. They all say not to add nutrients to the water until it’s 1st true leaves come out. So the seedling doesn’t take damage or nutrient burn to the roots or it’ll shock it and kill it. Took the dome off 6hrs ago.

Just took this picture now.


Leaving water droplets on the leaves could lead to burn spots.
Regarding the reservoir, is the bubbler sufficient?
The root growth into the reservoir is starting to look good. Wait till you see the clump of roots you‘ll have later. What nutes are you using, and at what mixture?
Never mind the water droplets, I understand why they were there now after your last comment


@HappyHydroGrower @Tastebuds

I only have distilled water in the reservoir nothing else. The temp inside the reservoir is at 72 degrees F. I plan on using Advanced Nutrients PH perfect. They can with the box I bought.

I also plan on using Hydroguard.

I haven’t added anything Into the water yet because I still haven’t noticed it’s 1st true leaves yet.


If it were me I would start her about 200ppm feeding. I have to agree, looking very light green.


I would mix at about 1/4 strength for now. It’s gonna need something to work with for the next week.
You don’t want to hold back any of the plants needs in order to produce.


Ok thanks y’all for the feedback. If I’m being totally honest. I’m scared of maybe over doing it and killing it.
. .sigh. . So nervous lol.
Much appreciated for all the love and support.


I totally get it. I nearly killed my first indoor grow, but thank god the plant has an incredible will to live.


What exactly do you mean give it 200ppm feed? So basically I just feed it the nutrients it tells me to on the chart for week 1 veg and then check the water in the reservoir to do if it’s at 200ppm? My bad, I’m seriously new to all of this. Tough I’m willing to read and learn. :100::v::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


When and if I add the nutrients to the reservoir, should I also introduce Hydroguard in along with the nutrients in the water?


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You can add hydroguard at any time.

You need to be at about 200ppms of nitrogen such fertilizer though. I know they talk about not adding fertilizer till the the plant gets to a certain size, but in dwc that’s not the case. You need to have a small amount of fertilizer right out of the gate.


Thank you much appreciated



Yes, you want the water pretty close to 200 ppm. Like tdub said, in hydro the plants need a little something a bit earlier. Start the nutrient small till the water is 200 ppm or pretty close to it. Bring it up slowly as the plant grows.


So what if I don’t own a ph and tds/ec meter? Should I go a head and feed it anyway?

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A PH meter and a TDS meter are a requirement when doing hydro! You really really want to pick up both asap imho. Others may have a different thought, but I couldn’t have made it to where I am in my grow without either of those tools.


You should get both


Most definitely go and get one they are a must have for the grow to go well. You can get a cheap TDS meter from amazon but I wouldn’t cheap out on the digital pH meter. I bought a few cheap ones and they dont accurately read more than half the time. You’re better off buying a good pH meter or pH test strips.


I was looking at these at Walmart. Didn’t get them though. As I wasn’t so sure? Lol

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I have seen people use them. You will need to keep buying more though. I am not too sure on the accuracy of those either tbh.