Beginner 39 my first grow ever my plant still alive

It does work well however, I recommend only adding additional worm castings if you have more than enough lighting to cover the additional nitrogen needs. Otherwise it won’t offer anything but microbiology.

@Covertgrower purple haze you got quiet a bit years you ever grow that kind

@Covertgrower additional you mean buys bag of wiggle worm than add to soil

I haven’t grown purple haze, but it’s on my list. Myfriendis410 did journal one though. You probably could jump to his journal and find it. He updates fairly regularly.

Yes additional meaning worm castings added to soil.

Or bye foxfarm than add to that is that what u mean or it’s cheaper for my budget black cow manure potting soil or top soil than add azomite all other microneateients?

I’m not sure if the price of the manure soil, but Fox Farms Ocean Forest would be a great soil to start in and finish it. You’ll need some veg nutrients for later into the grow, and some flower nutrients.

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@Myfriendis410 have you grown purple haze before?

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@Covertgrower thanks man I’ll think about what all I’ll use thanks for tour time I’m reading your journal now I like all the organic materials that’s on there that’s really helpful man

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A quick use of the search function goes a long way. You can find journals from start to finish.

Yes I have: one of my favorites.

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We’ll see how long that feeling lasts. :joy::rofl::rofl:

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Discrete starts with a good quality carbon exhaust filter. Good luck, my friend.


What’s up?


All i can say is wow :crazy_face: …must have been touched by the angels.

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No eggs B sorry. Cereal kinda Saturday morning watching Teen Titans - my favorite cartoon!!

@kcj over here on your thread …

@LoCoRocki think I’m on my thread ain’t I I’m typing blind today what happens to website it’s all flippen up

You hit the desktop view button… THAT’S why you can’t see. You need to change it back

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