Bama's Happy Little Grow

These lights seem to me to be doing a fine job…I feel certain you are going to harvest some good bud…you know the old saying ’ if it aint broke don’t fix it '…you’re doing fine…

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I have to tinker with it. If i don’t and just let it work them i get bored and forget about it.

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Check out the Gro-Ace website Yeild Lab 1000 watt double ended MH/ HPS…with wing reflector (cheapest /lightest weight) they have remote dimmable ballast…straight up dope growin lights

What about putting up a crossbar and hanging some reflective material in the front? A window shade comes to mind…

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I like this idea.

Ok, serious question about water chillers before i drop $400 on this thing.

My water temp in the reservoir has maintained a steady 75° - 77°.

I am not seeing any issues with that temp.

Do i really need a chiller?
What would be the benefit?

This is what I’m planning to get.

BAOSHISHAN Aquarium Chiller 42gal 1/10 HP Water Chiller for Hydroponics System with Compressor Refrigeration Special Quiet Design for Fish Tank Axolotl Coral Reef Tank 160L (42GAL-W)

Still tagging along lots of info helping me see things.

If you would like this moved to the other journal section, flag a mod and simply ask, yhey would love to.

Think of what you want your journal to be called. This thread has taken off and lesd into a nice journal. Just needs more glamour shots from your girls.

Like you, there are others who will showup looking for a mentor. Your journal has the makings. Good read thus far, :ok_hand:

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I’ll do that. Thanks.

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@Myfriendis410 will you make this a journal for me and call it, “Bama’s Happy Little Grow”


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Picture time!

5-10 days into flower.

This was the runt. She took forever to pop out of the soil and I honestly almost gave up on her. Now she is the largest plant but is almost 2 weeks behind her sisters. She’s 32 inches tall today.

And of course here’s a little root porn. Don’t laugh, it’s cold in there. Plus, this is my first time with this system and I’ve never had roots do this before.


Welcome to my very own GROW JOURNAL!!!

So, update:
I just ordered 4 more Spider Farmer SF-1000 dimmable lights to go with my other 6 SF-1000 and 2 Blurples. They will be here next week, just in time for flower to really get started.
I’ll then have a total of 1400 watts of LED sunshine.


Freakin’ awesome ! You’ve got your own grow journal! How cool is that?!! Hope I can contribute…thats gonna be a lot of light when your new ones are added…I’d go slow and let your plants get used to more light a little at a time…my last grow I added more mylar to the walls and at the same time replaced some older bulbs and got a touch of bleaching before I realized what was up…just sayin’ go slow…Your Grows looking Great…congrats on the Journal…Happy Growing…

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That is 100% great advice. With my level of patience… I’m sure I’ll totally disregard that great advice! lol… no but really…

I’ve been using the photone app and keeping my lights right at 40-45 DLI using height and brightness adjustments. I’ll keep them at that for a week after I get the new lights and then crank them up. At least I’ll try… No point in giving them more energy than they can take in.

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I found out there is such a thing as too much light…never thought it possible but…have to take into consideration what they are used to… you are doing great …Happy Growing

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That is very true. I’m thinking that with more lights I can get a more even coverage of the canopy. I’ll just turn the lights down to keep from hurting the ladies.

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I noticed that over the past few hours some of my leaves are looking wilted. This just started.
And idea why?

EC = 1.6
PH = 5.65 (range is 5.2 - 6.2)

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Check everything and rechek agin…whats temp . of nute solution .?6…where plants are sitting in.?.. where are you iin light cycle ? Air temp? Realize also sometimes they just do weird sh##…

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I’m pretty sure i figured it out.

I moved the dehumidifier into the grow room.
Humidity hangs around 60% but i want it at 50%. But the heat produced from the dehumidifier was too much. I woke up this morning to it being 86° in there.

So, the dehumidifier is now out of the grow room. I’ll just have to live with the humidity at 60°. It shouldn’t be a problem, I’ve always grown at around 70-75% without a problem.

I also just finished extending the shelf so i could spread the ladies out. They were growing into each other.

I think I’m going to have to the some limbs up. I’ve never had plants this big so i never needed a net for them. Now i understand them lol.

Pictures will be posted soon.


The room is 10 ft wide.

Ladies lineup: L–>R

Wedding Cake - 39" tall
Wedding Cake - 23" tall
Zkittles - 24" tall
Gelato - 21" tall

Don’t worry about the lights. I have 4 more coming Wednesday.

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