Autos too small?

Here’s a pic of one of my indoor autos. They are all roughly about this size. I planted the seeds June 2, so it’s been over a month and I feel like they’re super small. I know genetics vary- some autos are ready after 8 weeks, some take 11-12. But I feel like something’s wrong and I’m not sure what. I initially had too little light but I think I have enough now. I’ve been feeding half dose GH 3 part series with cal mag and PH to about 6.0 every couple days. Growing in coco and perlite. The thing is that the plants look healthy for the most part- like they don’t look nute burned or yellow or particularly hungry, but they’re just small compared to other auto grow journals I’ve seen for this much time. Any thoughts? What’s even weirder is my autos outdoors are about HALF this size, and they obviously haven’t had any issues with light. They were popped June 2 as well. I’m really praying I’m not about to have a bunch of 1-joint plants here.


What medium are you growing in? Looks like soil and the optimal range for soil is 6.3-6.8 with 6.6ish being the sweet spot.

Also what kind of lighting are you using?

That is a tad small for 1 month of growth, but some plants are just slower then others. The fact you have multiple plants growing slowly means (no offense) but it’s probably something you are doing, that you could be doing better.

How are your watering habits?

Medium again?

Strain and breeder?

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Lower your pH a tad, between 5.8-6.0. you’re on the high end and could hinder growth a little bit.

What are you working with now??

And also, let it dry one, possibly 2 days, and with your next feeding, go towards the rim of the bag and not the stem. I grow in coco and rarely water the stem before fullon flowering. Maybe the last few drops of the pitcher, but not much more.


Why give a half dose of fertilizer when growing in coco the only nutrients come from what you feed them. I give fertilizer every morning using ff trio and water at night if needed.
Stem is nice and sturdy, filling out beautifully, 12" tall and is putting on pistils as of yesterday.


Haha whoops. He did say coco up there. I thought I had missed something. That’s definitely slow growth for coco tho

I’ve been doing half dose because probably like a couple weeks ago I did full dose and I did notice some burn on some of the plants. But may be time to switch to full

I’m stuck on pH because I read what you’re saying, but also read that cal-mag best uptake pH is 6.0-6.5 I think is what I saw, and one of my plants was having a calcium deficiency I believe. I initially only had 100W for my 4x4 w 6 autos. Now I have 430W with 4 lights total in the 4x4. I’m not sure if it’s too little. I’ve read varying things- people saying they’ve pulled upwards of 8 oz off 2 plants in a 2x2 off 150W, people saying I need 100W per plant, articles saying wattage isn’t really the ultimate metric to go by, etc……

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I’ve been feeding half strength nutrients every 2 days or so and it’s coco and perlite. I try to keep the coco moist as I’ve read online and water until there’s just a little run-off.

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I water at night, keeps humidy right with the fan going and is dry in the morning and give full dose every morning. Ive never had any burn

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I told a Dr. buddy of mine once that I was having pain when I moved a certain way and asked what I should do to fix it. He said don’t move that way :grin: I don’t think you did wrong by trying to listen to your plant. It may be time to up it again or maybe not. I don’t consider myself knowledgeable enough at this point to say for sure. I know @PurpNGold74 & @Borderryan22 can help you get straightened out.

What works for one doesn’t always work for another. Two seeds from the same batch can and will grow differently side by side in the same conditions. Your plant does look good, how old is it?


Coco likes to be watered daily a shot of Cal Mag doesn’t hurt once in awhile helps satisfy the sodium in coco. Feed at full strength water thru for 20-25% run off PH at 5.8 all should be good. Always check your ppms before pouring.

8 Days from sprout in straight Coco


Looks pretty good from my eyes… how many weeks…

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