I’m starting this thread because of interest shown in the plant training techniques that I use. The pictures I am going to upload is of my current Super Silver Haze grow, which is nearing it’s end. I will explain my reasoning as to what/why. Feel free to ask questions, there are no stupid questions. Enjoy this labour of love, and please note, plants were hurt during this process, so it’s not for the faint hearted.
@Arrow have you taken pics along the way of your process? I am curious and have to admit that’s a lovely sight lol.
Yes I have, I will post them here, and explain the process…and thanks for the kind words… @beardless, @kaptain3d, @Enlightened420, @repins12, @ CoyoteCody, @PurpNGold74, @GreenFlex, @AAA, @Covertgrower, @GreenJewels
@Arrow that is a work of art right there! I’ll definitely be watching this thread to see how you got there! Nice work!
Thanks brother, hop on for the ride…
Set to learning! Thanks for the tag
You had a space in @CoyoteCody’s tag… so I tagged him for you!
Welcome kaptain…thanks bro…fat fingers, small keyboard… @ReconBravo, @dbrn32, @Bulldognuts, @Dman1969,@dbpooper, @AfgVet, @Oldguy, @TDubWilly, @RAP, @Gremmall
@Arrow, Am interested in your training , love to twist mine around for max output as well. Count me in to follow, good luck.
Welcome brother, this thread is all about learning, please feel free to post some of your twists… @Tenga, @neofirebird, @holmes, @DivChem and if I missed anybody, it was not on purpose, please tag fellow gromies that may be interested.
Looks great dude, thank you for the tag I’m along and ready to learn new ways!
I still prefer my Super Monsters. But that training looks pretty cool.
Welcome brother, thanks for tagging along…
Like I said - more than just me would appreciate seeing it.
I am we’ll aware of your affinity to your trees brother, welcome to my mad…
Thanks for the tag I’m set to watching!! Keep on keeping on Brother!!!.
@arrow Thanks for the Tag brother will be following along…Looks pretty crazy…curious how it is absorbing the light energy and sending to the buds…did I see that picture correctly? NO Leaves whatsoever…hmmm now I am intrigued…How far along is it in flower…Photo or Auto?
I was actually amazed and never realized that there is no tread about plant training/manipulation on this forum… That I’m aware of in any case…welcome brother…
Welcome bro, good to have you along…
Welcome bro, you are seeing correctly, she will finish with no leaves at all, she’s a photo and have about a week before chop…