Are we close yet?

Hi guys
Firstly I apologise for the lousy photos from my phone…can’t seem to get a good one using the loupe.

My girls are limping to the finish line and not sure when to harvest…I have real trouble telling the mily from the clear
They are outdoors in the ground since start of september…do they need flushing??
Just need some advise on whether my girls are close to harvest or how long they have to go
TIA for all you’re great advise during this grow period.:blush::blush::blush:


They ar looking good.

No hurry. Forum or WEB browsing provided this chart.
50% More Brown, is my opinion.

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Are they milky or clear.?
Always have trouble distinguishing…my eyes aren’t the best
Am hoping they will hang on for another week or two…am after high THC :purple_heart::purple_heart::purple_heart::purple_heart:

Oh she can go longer if you are looking for more amber. Looking good but next time get a full shot of the girl and a couple full flowers as sugar leaves finish first. Closest to the light.


@MrPeat Will put more up next week, incl full plant
Have had catterpillar troubled so am trying to keep them going…btk got most of the pests thank golly.

If I had to pull, do you think they will be ok? …am aiming for 2 weeks hopefully xx

Do you have pictures of the whole plant and some bud pictures from a little farther away.

Personally I think two weeks will be fine. I just finished a plant that I have like 40% amber and it kicks like a mule.


@plumbdand …will take some pics tomorrow :blush:

Those little bud munchers are a serious pain in the behind!! I had some on mine as well and they would hide inside the structure in a way that I could really only find them when I was hands on defoliating and touching practically everything.


@Fieldofdreams …I have a total hatred of them.
Also got green ones :rofl::rofl:
Lost half of one plant

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They kill the colas from the inside out. I had tuns of caterpillars last year mainly on one plant. Eventually I had to cut off every single cola on it. and grow out the larf buds. Probably lost over a lb.
They also got to my corn crop. Every ear had a caterpillar in it. Over 100 ears.

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I went thru every cola and sprayed sprayed sprayed…also lost a good lb…I have learnt that insect nets are the goer for next year…this year has been an unusually bad year for cabbage moths, they have devistated my broccoli :rofl::rofl::rofl:

It is all a good learning curve as this is just my second grow, and love growing out doors

Did you lose you corn??

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We only kept maybe 10 ears that had very little damage at one end. My ducks and chickens got some and the rest went into compost. Ill probably get a few growing up out of my compost this summer.

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plumbdand @Auspig Here are pics of my plants in question…I have named each of them because it is a girlie thing to do (and to identify them :rofl:…tell me what you think…they look a bit straggly as I was playing the catterpillar hunt, and cut some buds off to save them :rofl:

Anna, she is an Aussie Blue:

This is Angus and AK-47:

This is Frida, another Aussie Blue who got hit hard with catterpillars:

This is Benny, supposedly the clone of Frida, but I think I mixed up my two clones :rofl::

And this is Bon, supposed clone of AK-47 Angus:

I know all photos are average but any thoughts on them are greatly appreciated :blush::blush:


caterpillars get deep inside of the buds and are light green when they’re small sometimes hard to see. Leaves will die from the inside of the bud out. Instead of tips first. If you pull in them and they pull out without any resistance, check the bud in that area. They’re not always at the tip of the colas. They start at the bottom and eat their way to the top. I was so pissed off at them last year that I stopped calling them caterpillars and only refered to them as worms. Caterpillar just sounds like something fun not these evil incarnations

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@plumbdand :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: oh I called the evil mutants ten times worse thing than that :rofl::rofl::rofl: and have great delight in squashing them so their guts explode out :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Them caterpillars must get high AF. Lol. Sorry to hear about the issues.


I fed them suckers to my chickens and ducks. I delt with grasshoppers also but most of them left at the begining of flower after I sprayed with a garlic solution.

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Some of your plants lower leaves look like they are close to the ground you might wanna try to prop/tie them up higher.

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Yep some are starting to drag the ground
My plants are held together with brick and Gaffa tape lol

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