Are thse clear or milky?

First time grower and have no clue, are these clear or milky? Unsure of how far along things are!


Calyxes pictured look milky/cloudy and amber. Few clear. :axe:


Get that axe ready, time to chop!


Ok so time to hang and dry… Thanks for the advice, I have no idea what I am doing. Reading and looking at pictures is a little different than doing!


Yep. Looks like go time.

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Lets see a pic of the bud

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Small plant, I think from too much rain.

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Nice grow my friend. Autos tend to be small when I grow in soil. But hydroponic they get big. Congratulations on your grow

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Every auto ive grown in soil has been small compared to my photos.

These are my current photos and theyre still not done stretching…


Thanks so much for the feedback and for the advice. First time growing is a lot different than looking at pictures and reading.

Next summer I’ll be an old pro!


Not clear but you have Amber
and don’t look at the sugar leaves
Id throw it in the dark for 3 days cut it and hang it

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Thanks everyone!!

I’ve cut them and they are hanging with a fan in the dark. Now more learning about how long to dry before I trim and how long to burp after that…

They should dry about 2 weeks. Typically when the stems snap when you bend them, not just fold over. I like to go be the feel of the buds. I let them go until I give a bud a squeeze and it bounces back. Then, trim them. Now, I used to do the mason jars, but I got hooked on the groove bags. Love them. Fill each bag about 3/4 full, close them, then put them away. My ritual is wait at least 2 weeks, grab a small bud, get a freshly cleaned bowl or bong. Grind it and check the smell, then give it a whirl. If I have a good buzz after the 2nd hit, I’m a happy man. Then I don’t touch it again for another 2 weeks. 4 weeks total on the cure.


Timber !!! :evergreen_tree:

Lucky you I fight to get six days of dry they want to be done in three I have 10% relative humidity

Chop chop
2x girl scout cookies extreme autoflower


And who says auto flowers don’t get that big. I love when I grow a plant and the buds are so dense they’re bending the branches. Super nice grow dude.


Nice room

time 2 chop…buy a cheap electronic microscope that USB’s to your computer and zoom in on the good juice…it gives you total microscopic control of your grow as well as being very trippy (Amazon)

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Hello Old Guy

are you the Guy I was conversing with a bunch of years back about your daughter going to Australia and I mentioned that the airlines spray for insects prior to landing in Aust ?

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