Are they getting too stretchier?

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A lot of them seem pretty stretched for seedlings. Now it is time to add some leaves before the real veg growth starts. Looking good! What strain are they?

Here is a pic of different stages.


Thank you! They are White widow auto flowering. Monday they are getting a bigger space with an LED light with built in fans and an auto water/light system.

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Those look great!!!

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Nice do you have a picture of the grow space?

Not yet it’s being built tomorrow. I’ll put up pics when it’s all done.

When i pot mine i leave only about qtr to half inch of stem exposed.

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Looks to me like they might be trying to keep the stretch going, if it were my thing I would bump the light down a little and keep an eye on em. Just because I’m lazy and don’t want to stake up fallen over plants. :slight_smile: