Are my plants in trouble?

A question from a fellow grower:

I am new at this growing thing and I think my plants are in trouble. I am not sure what to do.

My first guess would be that the reservoir temps are too high, if nothing else is obvious, but we need more info.

Fill out the relevant questions in the support ticket and maybe it will give us enough info to have a better idea, ILGM Grow Support Ticket


I agree. Love to help. Need more info :slight_smile:

Yup you need to fill out support ticket.
And Roberts free book The Grow Bible. Up in the right hand Conner.

B Safe

Strain; White widow


PH of runoff or solution in reservoir?n/a

What is strength of nutrient mix?


Temps; Day, 73-75

Humidity; Day, 70-72

Ventilation system; Yes,

Co2; Yes

I am using the dealzer grow box and following the plan that it came with. Using moon dust for nuts and changing water every five days.

The reservoir water temps never exceed 75*f?

We need to know the pH of the reservoir water and the EC/PPM in the reservoir, this is of utmost importance to help give us a better idea if what might be going on. NPK ratios of your nutrient formula might help as well.


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How should i test the ph?

With any of the following…

pH test strips:

Bottle of pH test drops:

pH pen on amazon:®-Accuracy-Approved-Measurement-Resolution/dp/B00FJFEB2O/?tag=greenrel-20

Or maybe one of these, but I’m not sure on their accuracy:®-Plant-Flowers-Tester-Moisture/dp/B006KY5OUG/?tag=greenrel-20

And check out these:

Robert’s Blog article – What are the best pH and PPM Levels for Growing Marijuana?

Robert’s Youtube video –

Hope this helps,


Thank you I will update soon

Thanks MacG!!!

Confirming what my colleague mentioned above. You cannot expect to grow successfully without knowing the PH of your nutrient solution, and the strength of nutrient solution…

It is a good thing we provide a “Support Ticket” for new growers. What a great way to get a handle on where a grower is; And, be able to help them.