Appetite suppressant strains with high thc and cbd

Hi, I am looking for a strain that is high in thc and cbd but will not cause the munchies or even better if it will suppress appetite. Weight has been a lifelong struggle for me as I have a few medical conditions that cause a bit of a vicious cycle with too much sleep (ADD and allergy), back pain where it all siezes and other pain that likes to trigger the back pain, anxiety and depression. My dad wants it for chronic arthritis. We both like clear heads and energetic during the day but something more relaxing and chilled out at night, especially something to keep messed up nightmares at bay for me. This means two strains I guess but I am finding a lot of contradicting information on the THCV strains and where to get them. Any advice from someone knowledgeable would be really appreciated.


I have a feeling that landraces are best for this after my trip to Jamaica it was the first time not getting munchies but still real stoned but it may have just been that particular strain either lambsbread or kingsbread

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chupracabra, chernoble, cinderella jack…is a few thc-v is the cannabinoid i believe that helps with weight loss… heavy sativa strains is a good way to go. hope this helps.


Interesting topic!!

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@sunstone I’m not real knowledgeable in the whole what works for this and that. However I do have nerve damage in my legs and suffer from chronic pain. I also have trouble sleeping. I have no idea what strain I have but its mellow I can smoke in the day and do what I need to do without any couchlock issues. At night well I do tend to enhance my bud cause I have a few Jack and cokes to go with it and I get some pretty good sleep. Now if youre bot a drinker I think you may be able to get away with one strain and just harvest at different times so you can have a good smoke in the day and at night the couchlock effect. Im not sure but im sure someone with real knowledge will clarify that for us.

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I too would like to know more strains like this, I’m growing a high CBD and low THC one currently. If this one works well for my migraines, I think I’ll get a few more in that same spectrum.