It ought to be fine, well…shit for use outdoor. Not sure about indoor. And not sure about how much and when to add.
You should be able to, and add in the vegetative stage
Yes, like @Majiktoker said…
Just be sure that your chicken manure as age at least between 6 to 8 months , a more safe window is more than 10 months…
Fresh chicken manure alone contain harmful bacteria and it take at least 6 to 8 months to disapear. So, to be safe, it’s recommand to wait 10 months before using it.
You can faster the processus by put it in a well aerated tumble compost boot , it will be ready in a 6 months window. … Of course, if you give it some help (vegetables and fruits waste , and, some already compost)…
So, it’s true that it’s imperative that you use this in vegetative stage, like @Majiktoker said , meaning that not before the plant have 5 to 7 spiked leaves (common looking leaves)
The regular mix for a healthy is soil about 1/8 of age chicken manure…
Hoping that’s helping you @Myfriendis410 , do not hesitate to ask further question, their is always someone who gone a respond…
way to hot try something else
I throw all my chicken poop in black solider fly compost bin, along with all the rotten fruits and veggies that go bad from my buddies fruit stand. I have been very successful with black solider fly larva. Been breeding nine months out of the year here were I’m at. Very short winter. My chickens and fish go crazyyyyy for them. Go luck with your chicken poop.
Happy birthday @Niala
Good info. One of my friends keeps chickens and offered, me chicken poop which I jumped on. I’ll get a 5 gallon bucket of it and compost prior to use.
Thanks for the wishes @Majiktoker it’s appreciate
Good @Myfriendis410
I prefer rabbit manure if I have to boost fertility right away, I got 40 chickens so a lot of manure too, but I throw it on garden beds after fall harvest, let it be over winter and then work it into soil in spring…
NEVER USE IT Fresh !!!;;
Trust me on this…