Any ideas what the other plant is

i have 2 plants from the same seed package. both are suposed to be white widow. one certainly is. but the othrr looks nothing like it. i dont see any bannanas so i dont think its male, its not flowering like the other.
both started the same day, and have grown up together. both appear healthy
thanks guys yall are way smarter than me in these matters.20211103_100839|500x500

Do you have any closer shots of flowering areas and a good full shot of the plant in question?

Looks mean nothing… I have had 2 clones of a mother grow up and look nothing a like at the end. Obviously each plant is cared for to suit it’s needs and husbandry plays a role along with genetics.

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I’m sure they are both ww, plants are living things and have a different DNA then one another so like children with the same parents won’t look, grow, eat, etc identically the only way to get identical plants that I know of is cloning

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I have some gg growing 3 ways. A scrog. A trainwreck"do not recommend" and a straight up natural minimal spread. All look totally

different from momma. Leaf shape…size…branch thickness. BUT they all love same treatment. A lot of factors in appearance i think personally. My concern would only be if plant turned out to be male. All the little clones pictured were pruned exactly the same. The taller clone is same age just pruned to be a mother.

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My 3 GSCX autos everything the same already harvested 2 still waiting on the other. All look different 2 on top already hung, dried and now curing


@Kingkupa I can’t wait til someday my girls look like yours.

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Beginners luck


As someone noted above, looks don’t really apply here. The end result of the fully mature buds will probably look the same or similar but that’s about the end of where you can expect to even know they’re the same strain. Every seed carries different genetic traits, so while they’re both WW plants, one may carry a “short stalky” trait, or even a “3 fingered fan leaf” trait.

Is there any possibility the one who isn’t flowering yet is close to some source of ambient light? A red light on a power strip or a small nightlight, something little but constant?

Otherwise, it may have just gotten the more sativa-dominant traits for her strain in that particular seed’s “stat roll” (sorry gamer nerd speak).

As far as checking for male bits, if you can share photos of up-close where the nodes join the main stems/branches, like the little V join, that would help rule out having an accidental dude plant emerging.

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Stat roll, lol, ain’t heard that in…shit along time👍
I was a pencil paper player back then.

Bet there is alot of us round here😉

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I won’t take that bet cuz I know you’re right :laughing:

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