Week 6 of flowering wedding cake photos this is up by the bud using jacks 321 another plant has leaves by bud looking a little rusty
Leaves come and go. How about pics of the full plant?
Is it from the bottom? I am using Jack’s as well and have a few similar looking leaves. As @MidwestGuy stated. If the plant looks otherwise healthy, probably not a concern.
At the bud
Looks great my friend! Very nice. I would’nt fret unless you start to see a trend.
Nothing to worry about fall colors my friend happy growing @Boogy
It’s normal for a plant to begin fading colors at this point in a grow.
This is mid week 6, i think I’m starting to see a trace of amber, ever so slightly, at the end of this week I’m going to start with just plain ph’d water and slf 100, so that will be week 7 and 8
Probably too early to stop feeding, if at all. Do you have trichome pictures. Your plants look awesome.
You have a scope or loupe? Don’t wanna pull too early. I’ve done that and its not bad smoke but its lacking. I’m right at 6 weeks and anticipating 3-4 more.
No trichomes pics, wedding cake photos can finish up in as little as 8 weeks so i could feed for an additional week, the 3 plants take 5 gallons every other day, thats 3 or 4 feeds a weekand I’m using jacks 321, I’m actually doing 421 and im in promix hp with mycorrhizae
Hi, hey i pulled of a few leaves different from that on other plant, definitely rust colorand covering most of leave, just hoping its not a rust fungus
No food no growth. No trichs. I wouldnt stop feed.
Ok but at some point i allways stop feeding nutrients and use ph’d water for 2 weeks so plant starts to cannibalize and salts get rinsed out
Or i may give it a half of normal feed every other watering
Some say that’s Bro science. At best you save some money on nutes.
Plants this far in flower are gonna start cannibalizing its leaves thats whats going on with your rust colored leaves.
Never heard anyone having salt buildup using Jacks. Fox Farm, Yes but not jacks.
I hope thats what it is because there is also a couple diseases it could be and thats great news no salt associated with jacks