Using GH 3 part flora series. Plus a few extras.
Just a pic update. Fed them last night and will again tonight.
You’re gonna have a lot of bud in a couple of months.
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I sure hope so! Loving the learning process.
So this happened to one of the girls. I pulled this plant from the room. I’m still trying to figure out what this means.
We could probably assist better if you had a support ticket.
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Support Ticket
- What strain - Fainting Goat. Feminized from a seed bank.
- Method: Hydroponic in coco/perlite
- Vessels: Pots and the larger plants in 10 gallon cloth pots.
- PH of Water, Solution 6.0
- EC of nutrient 1.2-1.3
- Indoor
- Light system quantum boards 3000k.
- Temps; Day 77. Night 71.
- Humidity; Day 30%. Night 30%.
- Ventilation system; NA
- De-humidifier- not in use currently.
- Co2; No
Hopefully I did that right.