Another ILGM Blueberry Auto grow

Led will definitely burn them from what I read. My new setup I have a 1000w led and a 300 that I’m going to put on the side of my Apollo tent.

Thanks guys for the input!

It is certainly possible the LED is to close.

Through out the grow it did grow into the light, now I’m doing the hand test for heat… so the light is about 3 inches from the top I’d say…

I thought you had the new tent with all that height ?

3 inches from the light?! …be careful that plant doesn’t ignite lol! …dude what’s up with that ?

You should be atleast 12 inches away. For a seedling 1 to 2 inches is sufficient for led

@ParanormanLol, with my hand on the top of the plant, it’s warm, but nothing crazy. lol

Well, the plant is about 3 FT, plus the container, so say the hole thing is about 4 FT… My tent is 5 FT, so by the time you hang the light, it’s snug in the tent as well. lol

I can raise it more, but I know the farther away the light is, the weaker it is, so I was going by the temp.

@DocchollidayI think seedlings are more delicate so they need lighting farther away. Assuming the same light is used…?

Actually yes and no. Depends how strong your light is. A CFL for 5 days then changing over would be good. If your at the top you could read about topping your plant. Also pruning. When you have tight spaces you will need to train your plant to go where you want it to go. But if it’s flowering not sure if it would be good too top it.

Yeah I’m not sure but what he means by 1-2 inch above seedlings but you’re right that’s way too close

…the back of the hand is good test, but is it different for LEDs ? …not sure

Nothing I can add my friend, keep it up! :thumbsup:

with most led’s you want the light about 30 inches above seedlings… around 18-24 inches above veg and 12-18 inches above in flower…
but each led manufacturer usually has recommendations for their particular light

cfl’s? 2-3 inches above seedlings,…every day

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Ok, heres what I found about my light.
The Mars Hydro 300.

Recommended Hanging height:
Germinating: 24-30 Inches,
Seeding: 24 inch,
Vegetative: 18-24 inch,
Flowering: 12-18 inch.

I’ve been keeping it closer than that, not just this grow…
The smaller plants light is about 6-9 inches currently…

Only other thing I think might cause problems is the way I’m watering…

I’m using AN’s Micro Grow and Bloom base nutes, along with Big Bud for the flowers…
It drinks about 3/4ths of a gallon a day, and I get runoff with that.
The next day I give it the other 1/4th or so of the gallon, and don’t get run off…

Not sure if it’s building up, but with watering every other day with run off, I wouldn’t guess it would build up to much in the soil…

Or it is just light burn, and I’m pushing the light to close to the plants while trying to push the growth. lol

if you are getting runoff with just three quarts then only water three quarts… then do not water again until the soil is dry again. I know it can be a bitch to mix nutes when the numbers are odd, lol… my girls are two weeks into flower and about 24 -38 inches high and they each get a gallon every third day… there is runoff but rarely before I am finished pouring… IMO the runoff thing is not just about wetting all of the soil and ensuring maximum watering but it is also about rinsing the soil as well. The nutes we use can create salt buildup and getting extra water in there can help to flush just a little bit of those water soluble salts out of the soil which helps keep us from getting nutrient lockout

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I agree with Oak you should water it and then don’t water it again till it’s dry when you pick it up it should feel dry, what you doing possibly keep it too wet and cause other issues

I guess that’s LED burn that’s still a great looking plant just keep doing what you doing and if you can get any more distance between the light you know that will help

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Ok, Thanks guys.

I’ll just start keeping another gallon mixed up, that way I can use the left over from the feeding before… and still flush a little everytime then.

I did lift my light again, it’s now as high as it can go.
Luckily the stretch is done. :slight_smile:

Here are some pics for @FloridaSon of the small plant.
30 days old.

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I don’t over-pour every time, when I do I give it a really good soak maybe every couple weeks, I really don’t think you have to every time I know some people say you do and I’m not saying you don’t I’m just saying I don’t do it

I’m using 3-gallon pots with soil and I use a quart to a quart and a half every 3 days on average, seems like you’re using a lot of water ?

Yeah, this one has a lot of perlite mixed in.
When I started, I used a 50/50 mix of Pro Mix and perlite… that way the chance of over watering was less… Which worked I guess. :slight_smile:
I’m now going to start decreasing the perlite, because watering so much sucks ass. lol
Right now, the old girl literally needs watering about every 24/36 hours.

She is my biggest plant yet though, so that urge not to change something that seems to be working is pretty strong though. lol

The smaller plant I actually only added about 25% perlite, so I’m waiting to see how much less it drinks.

That’s quite a bit of perlite LOL (I add 20 - 25%to Fox Farm Ocean Forest)

Shes a beauty. What strain?

ILGM’s Auto Blueberry.


Thats what mine are.
Feminized auto BB

Update pics.

I’ll start with the youngest.
She is now 36 days old, and hitting the big stretch.
She is also starting to drink a good bit.