An auto, three photos and a clone

Keep in mind this is my first attempt and when I chose to do it was much later than generally recommended. Your chance of success is higher if you take them during early veg. Mine were well into flower so it took for ever for it to switch gears from flower back to veg. I think this is the age related part. Had I taken it earlier during veg, all it would have had to do was establish roots (maybe 2 weeks at most) and she would be good to go. If you are wanting to give it I try, I highly recommend @Hellraiser thread Hellraiser Cloning. Exceptional teacher and willing to get in the weeds about specifics and knowledge sharing.
Here she is this morning. I just turned the veg & bloom light on and set it at 30". Two months from the day it was cut. Next week, she and her AK47 companions will move into the tent.