Am I impatient? Or am I stuck in Flower?

@OlyBoy98503 @Zee @kellydans @SweetsOnDeck sorry bout that haha. Here ya go. My original post.
I need to post some updated pics.
Oh and Freak Storm last night. Helluva rain catch

6/20 - Start of Flower Week 5…and oh my that sweet sweet smell as you walk past and around, she getting DANK!!!


I love that smell, I’ll go open my tent, just to get a breath of it!


Yeah, best smell on the planet!!!
Unfortunately, the smell literally makes my wife sick, so she flat out avoids the thing like the plague hahahahaha. Sometimes when I’m bringing her in for the night I make sure a nice breeze gets sent her way lol.


Oh yeah that’s a exciting feeling when they start to flower , an watch the buds start swelling up. Looking good. Have you started feeding some Bloom nutes?


Yes Ma’am I’ve done one feeding of the Fox Farm Trio at 25% of the recommended dose.
That was on the 16th. That way I didn’t burn her straight up, and leaves me room for more feed in a week. I have seen some slowing of the yellowing, but she def needs more nutes.
Which she will be getting on the 23rd. Trying to decide another 25% or bump to 50%.

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Plants are nice size now , personally I would bump it up a little. Definitely looking good.

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Cool, was debating, but you’re right. She’s strong…I’ll go 50%


Finally, a Good problem.
Bud is getting too heavy for the branch. Yayyy


And a couple more “taste samples”


Did you sample them yet? How was it?

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Do you have any legos at your house? Maybe duplos?

We could build little stands to support the branches from below, rather than pulling down on upper branches.

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Yessir!!! just pulled 4 of the 8 littles ones I had hanging. Branches gave a quick snap. Threw them in the one hitter…:heart_eyes::star_struck:. Caught a small fruity taste. Really thinking it is the Sour Diesel. Super excited.

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Legos, awesome. I’ve got a girl that’s NOT into legos haha. So nope. But yeah, you’re right I should support rather than pull down on her.
I’ll see what I’ve got lying around and build her a support!

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Don’t think I’ll trim anymore. Not many smaller ones left. Definitely gonna leave the rest to yield.

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@GreenFlex hope ya don’t mind. Throwing you in my Original thread.
This is my girl! First ever female.
After my first taste test, 98% sure it’s Sour Diesel! That smell brah!

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@Hellraiser, thumbing through threads and saw you suggest this PH tester. I’ve been using the stupid metal prong one! Thanks once again!
Should be arriving tomorrow.

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oh yeah those are basically useless I have like two i dont use either ever! May I suggest making sure you get referencing solution and use it to calibrate your new digital pen when you get it in the mail. I bought one and just assumed since it was new that it would be good. I was wrong. all 8 females in my tent right now basically vegged the entire time with 7.2 to 7.5ph water because my new ph pen was showing me 6.2 to 6.5. Long story short ensure you calibrate it properly so your getting the proper ph for your water to maximize nutrient uptake at the roots. Looking good by the way! Just a suggestion for your too heavy buds…could build a single 2x4 support than attach string from 2x4 section above the plants to attach to each heavy cola. just an idea could even use 1inch PVC piping if you have available,.


Thanks for the compliments. @GreenFlex
“Reference Solution” got it. Researching now.
I’m assuming this would be a baseline solution that holds a steady PH? Kind of like a baseline or standard test. May I ask any solution you may have used?? Just something I can gauge off what I need?
And yes, as for the heavy branch @OlyBoy98503 also pointed out she needs to be supported and not pulled on! I do have plenty of 1/2in pvc. Soon as I get back home gonna build her a support. I looked into those “yo-yo” supports, but that’s not applicable for my grow. I’ll throw something together and get y’all a opinion! Thanks gentlemen!

the pen you buy should come with like 3 packets of reference solution or buffer packets that you mix with distilled water in 3 different cups than you will calibrate your ph pen based off of the manufacturers recommended steps. Now I say it “should” come with it mine did but I have seen others that have to purchase on their own. Hope yours does. I have seen the yoyo’s but personally if not inside in a tent I would just build you a pvc support and you dont even have to glue it together which will allow you to redesign move or whatever if you need to. also can adjust with plant heights

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