All plants growing different

so I am entering week 9, I’ve planted 20 seeds only have 7 growing, conditions all exactly the same but have only 1 in flower, a second maybe just starting and the least mature barely a foot tall, I don’t understand so much difference, a little would be expected but these are all far apart, super skunk, started in a greenhouse then moved indoor, using dual fuel 1 &2 . The only one that was treated different was it was started indoor and the plant is huge compared to the rest but no sign of flower

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Plants are different in how they act unless you clone from a mother plant. I’ve grown 8 at a time and 3-4 may act alike the others are very different in appearance. Are they photos or autos?


they are auto, I would expect a little difference but not the extent I have

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Autos are picky. You will get all kinds of variations. One might flower now and the other wait 3 more weeks. Its like kids, they all grow and mature at different rates.


They all encountered something they didnt like and it hurt some more than others I think because 13 didn’t even make it.


Autos have a mind of their own and do whatever they want …when they want… :man_shrugging:
Even with that being said, if your 9 weeks in from sprout and they’re not flowering, there’s definitely an issue somewhere… I’ve grown a lot of autos, in fact they’re all I grow, and I personally have never had one veg longer then like 5 wks.

As @Jaysittinback mentioned tho, the fact that 13 didn’t make it and out of 7 remaining only one is flowering, I’d be looking at environment, nutrients, water & feed routine…things like that.
Try and troubleshoot possible issues… Albeit autos do what they want, that seems like a lot of variance.
Just my thoughts on it.

Hopefully your able to figure it out


May I ask some things that might help you weed out potential issues? Pun intended.

Start with, were your seeds from a quality source and stored ok?

How did you sprout?

What’s your medium and nutes?

Light, temp and humidity?

Do you check ph?

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How do I check for pH? :thinking: Forgive me I Am learning more as I go. All the information and pros and cons and opinions overwhelmed at times. Not to mention I have high anxiety. But I can’t stop reading and learning. Lol sorry I didn’t mean to take over here. I love this site. Ty



You can get a ph meter/ppm meter on amazon for 25 bucks i think… one will be yellow, the other blue.


If you google ph pen, you will find a range of options. They start around $20. I use the Alfred one and their tds pen - that’s cause I run a hydroponic set up and need to keep an eye on how much is in the water.

If your in soil I would just grab a ph pen to start. The roots can’t pull food out of the water if the ph is to high or to low.

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As long as you breathe, keep learning.
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The support ticket is “grower language” for how you grow.
Still learning new tricks as old dog.

I agree that there is a lot of volatility in the uniformity of auto flowers. I think it is because it is a hybrid of a hybrid. But, a good seed breeder will work to reduce the volatility.

This is not pH or autoflower-variability or even scientific for that matter, it’s logic. No such thing as treated equally. Without knowing more about your grow tell ya what I run into with small and young-flowering autos. 1) I found my soil compacted too hard or muddy. I think lumps rocks and sticks could do it. Whatever doesn’t let the roots take off. 2) temp and humidity 3) physical abuse.
Then your clues, indoor start went well. Greenhouse start not so well but varied. Climate problem? Did the ones close to the door do best? Or those close to the wall did worse? See nothing’s equal.
As said elsewhere autos are picky, the first few weeks are critical. Next time use fluffy loose soil, or starting mix, or soil mix with extra perlite. Then follow an experienced grower’s solo-cup and watering method.
Look up almost any plant species and it will say it likes loamy well draining soil high in organic matter and slightly acidic (it’s mantra) and that’s how and why potting mix is made. Don’t buy damaged leaky wet or old bags of soil/mix. Good luck with your future grows @marca