AK-47 has all hairs orange but I think it is not even close?

Hello everyone! and thank you so much for taking your time to help!
I am not sure if my AK-47 is ready to be harvest… or even past that stage! Does it get bulkier?! This is rare and one of the very few I have manage to keep alive! any growing tips of any type are highly welcome and appreciated! This forum is amazing! Thanks Rob!


They have a way to go should really fill out i would suggest that you get a jewellers loupe so you can watch the trichomes and keep from picking to early

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Without examining trichomes up close I can’t be sure. But she does look ready soon. @LatinoUSAGreenRush

They do, right? Like 2 or 4 more weeks? I will get one of those jewellers loupes! Thank you so much!

thank you so much! I am going to get a tool to examine the trichromes!

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There’s some good trichomes pictures on here to give you a idea of what your looking for

Thank you so much ThickKC! where do i find these pictures?


Taking Pictures of Trichomes - How?!


I will! I just bough a magnifying glass for trichomes!

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idk if this helps, but…
i like 60x - 100x to be able to see the trich’s, but i have old eyes.!!
i use a 60-100x pocket microscope, ~$15 at Radio Shack yrs ago.

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Dare you to try and find a radio shack now. Lol @SlowOldGuy


LOL, i ain’t gonna try.!!
got better chit to do.! lol

i bought my scope when the Shack sold electronics,
then they turned in to Cellphone Accessories Shack,
now they r just a memory.!

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You can get one from Walmart through Amazon for around 15 bucks


@Covertgrower @Originalgazelle @SlowOldGuy @ThcinKC Thank you so so much you all! I got this magnifying glass!https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01GD2EZ7C/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
I will jump to the other questions and seriously to you all! Thank you so much for helping me and being so kind!


Have you tried it? How’s it work?

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@Originalgazelle I will hopefully receive it on Tuesday! I will take a picture of my trichomes!! I hope you had a great weekend and everything is going great! Thank you so much!!

@LatinoUSAGreenRush I hope that scope works out for you. If for some reason it doesn’t, I have this one:
Carson MicroBrite Plus 60x-120x Power LED Lighted Pocket Microscope (MM-300)



Thanks i just ordered this scope from Amazon from ur post. Been planning on getting one for the upcoming event but didn’t want to jink myself by getting it to early.

Yes @Covertgrower… That was not a good one! I am going to exchange it got the one you suggested! Thank you!

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@LatinoUSAGreenRush it’s not one you connect to get great pictures, and post them, but it’s great for looking with your eye to get a good idea.

If you look through my first grow, you’ll see I was able to get my iPhone 6 to get a few pictures.