ILGM Afghan auto
Vivosun 2.7 x 2.7 grow tent kit with VS 1000 light, carbon filter and 6 inch clip on fan.
Waiting on FF Happy frog soil for the 5 gallon fabric pot, mixed with auto flower living soil.
Germinated and above ground today. My happy frog shipping is delayed hence being in a jiffy pot otherwise I would have put her in her forever home in the 5 gl pot when she germinated.
On hand I have PH down, Fox Farms trio nutes and the Apera tester
I will be following. Do you have pH up? I do not hardly ever have to use down but have it if needed. the Up however, I have to use everytime I feed as my pH tanks to anywhere between 3.5 to 5.5 depending on the strength of the feeding.
A cheap alternative for down I’ve used for years is citric acid you buy in the canning section at the store. Less than a 1/4 tsp lowers ph fro around 8 to around 6.5.
Happy frog soil arrived yesterday, got it mixed up with the auto flower living soil, wet it down a little and moved her into her for ever home this morning.
Light at %50, 18 inches, DLI at 14-15. Temp 69-71 humidity mid 60’s
This light has pre set percentages (25,50,75,100) can’t follow recommend light height stages to the T to get the recommended DLI, no biggie but I like the Mars-hydro dimmer better.
at that age, I would recommend some type of clear dome environment for another week. A baggie or a clear pop bottle cut in half. I have even seen someone use a goldfish bowl. Here is my baby in the dome.
Yours looks so cute at that age, thank you I’ll look around the house to see if I have something to put over her. I also have the heat mats that I can wrap around the pot for warmth.
Yup, my heat mat is under the dome tray in between a layer of towel. I mist the dome 2-3 times per day. Starting to leave a vent open on top to harden her off a bit before I move her into the tent. I use the tent for the 10 day dry so she will ride out in the dome for another week or so.
Should I be worried about the discoloration slight yellowing. I haven’t done anything but spray/mist her a few times a day. Light height and DLI same, temp 72 humidity 60.
She looks better today still has the discoloration but she is not leaning over any more and her leaves out stretching.
Gave 5 quarts of water ph at 6.6, lol took me 3 times to get it to that point, kept getting it too low. Run off was almost the same as going in.
The ppm run off was at 818 is that ok seems low. I did calibrate the meeter before use. I’ll double check it to make sure.
Pretty sure PPM for seedlings is around 300 so you should be fine.
As to the discoloration, if you are talking about the light green, my plants most often look like that at new growth throughout the grow. Once the new growth grows out a bit it turns darker green like the rest of the leaves. Here is a late veg pic with that same coloring.